Chapter 4: Meeting The Family

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For a few days, Jacob and Abby stayed closed in the Veterans Centre just to be together and to enjoy each other's company. That meant staying in bed all day, snuggling was all they did nothing further than that. Abby had told Jacob she wasn't ready for anything intimate just yet. He was going to be her first, she didn't doubt that but their relationship wasn't at that stage. The were at the stage of getting to know each other and Jacob decided that maybe it was time for Abby to meet his brothers and sister.

They were half way to John's ranch. Abby was nervous to meet Jacob's family. She was bouncing her legs and fiddling around with her bracelet in her hand. Jacob saw every moment of it and ignored it but as they got closer to their destination, he couldn't hold himself anymore.

"Abby, calm down. Everything will be fine" Jacob chuckled as he looked at Abby again.

"I can't help it Jacob. I'm nervous. I've never been good at meeting other families since mine was a total disaster. As you can tell" Abby rolled her eyes at her own comment.

"We're here. Just stay calm" Jacob said and put the truck into park. He jumped out of the truck and helped Abby as well. "They are going to love you. I promise".

The two of them walked up to the door and knocked. A quick second later, the door was opened by a man that was wearing a blue shirt with a vest on top.

"Well this is a rare sight. Welcome you two. Come on in" John greeted them and moved to the side so they could walk inside.

"Abby this is my brother John" Jacob introduced the two of them. "John, this is Abby".

"Nice to meet you Abby. We've heard a lot about you" John shook her hand and smiled.

Abby remembered Jacob's story from three days ago. Now seeing John face to face, Abby couldn't help but feel sorry for John. He was a handsome man, how could anyone want to hurt him. He definitely looked like the young brother, who needed his older brother around to get through life. She held herself from not crying when John hugged his big brother. They were very close and it was the sweetest sight.

"Come on in and let me introduce you to our other siblings" Jacob put his hand on Abby's back and escorted her into the living room.

"Jacob" a young girl jumped out of her couch and ran to him, hugging him. "Oh this must be Abby. Hi I'm Faith".

"Nice to meet you" Abby said and was hugged by Faith as well.

"It's about time another girl entered our family. I was getting sick of being the only female around these three" Faith giggled. Abby laughed slightly as she watched Faith spin around, holding the hem of her dress.

"She's cute" Abby said to Jacob. "I love her already".

"And this is Joseph" Jacob pointed at his other brother, who had approached Abby without her realising.

"Nice to meet you my child. Welcome to our family" Joseph put her hands on her face and leaned his forehead against Abby's. "We've certainly heard a lot about you. We are very glad to see you have returned to Hope County. Another visit?". Joseph led Abby and Jacob to the couch, sitting down next to Abby and holding her hand.

"No I'm here for good. I've moved in with Jacob a few days ago" Abby informed the Seeds.

"That's brilliant news. Jacob why didn't you tell us? We've got something to celebrate" Joseph looked at his brother.

"I thought it would have been better for you all to hear it from Abby herself. It took me by surprise too but I'm glad she is staying with me" Jacob looked down at Abby and smiled.

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