Chapter 11: Mountain Baby

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A month went by since Abby left Hope County from her brother's force. Jacob found it hard to move on but he tried his best to keep himself busy with training his soldiers and judges. He hadn't heard any news about Abby and it made him sad on occasions, cause not matter what he was still curious and worried about her.


It was getting closer to two months when Jacob got his first news about Abby. A former Resistance member and an old trusty friend of Eli, had informed Jacob that Abby was not doing well. Abby and Eli were constantly having fights with each other, but what worried Jacob more was the news that she had been in and out of hospital from some type of illness. The only information that Jacob got about her whereabouts, was a post card that had a picture of New York City. It was a three hour distance by plane but leaving Hope County didn't feel right for Jacob.

It was a Wednesday afternoon, Jacob was sitting in his office and going through his paperwork, when one of his men walked in with a white envelope in his hand.

"Sir, this is for you" the man said as he handed it to Jacob and left the room.

He looked at the envelope in his hand with raised eyebrows. Slowly he opened it and pulled the piece of paper out from it. Unfolding it, Jacob's eyes grew open wide as he began reading the letter.

"Dear Jacob
You don't know me but I want to assure you that I'm on your side and I want to help you. I am Abby and Eli's Aunty. I've always supported my niece and nephew in every way but I can no longer support Eli and the decisions he makes.

Abby is not in good shape. Each day she heads closer into depression, from being away from you. I explained her symptoms to my own doctor and he believes that Abby is going through separation anxiety. The more she stays away from you, the more worse she gets and what makes everything else worse is that. Well...

Abby is 5 weeks pregnant".

Jacob immediately stood up from his chair and started to pace up and down the room, as he continued to read the rest of the letter.

"It scares me because if we don't get Abby back on her feet, she is going to end up losing the baby and I'm sure you wouldn't want that to happen. If you want to reunite with Abby and keep her with you, then I'm going to help you.

I have a good friend that lives in Hope County. I speak to him very frequently. Eli has no idea and it's best if it stays like that until we get Abby back to you. I suggest meeting with my good friend and let him know if you want my help, so that he could get in touch with me. His name is Earl Whitehorse. He is the Sheriff at Hope County Jail. He has also agreed to help with reuniting you and Abby, so get in contact with him and I'll have your girlfriend and unborn child back in your arms, before you know it"

Jacob grabbed his phone and immediately got in contact with Joseph, explaining everything to him. He had made it clear to everyone that he wasn't going to look for Abby but he was a fool. Jacob knew John was right. He loved Abby so much, he needed to search for her and now he regrets not doing so for the last two months. But he was determined to find Abby and get her back in his arms. Especially now that a baby was involved in this. He was not going to let his child grow up without a father.


Jacob and Sheriff Whitehorse met up at Joseph's church, with John and Joseph involved as well.

"Tess is a lovely lady but she has been down a lot, since Abby and Eli showed up at her door. Tess and Eli have been butting heads ever since. She doesn't agree with what he has done to Abby" Sheriff Whitehorse explained to the Seed brothers. "She really wants to help her niece and I'm willing to do anything to help from my end. That includes helping you as well Jacob".

"Get in contact with Tess and let her know that I'm in. I want Abby and my unborn child right here next to me" Jacob ordered the sheriff.

The Sheriff grabbed his phone and started dialling a number. The church was silent for a short minute, until the silence was broken from a lady's voice that came from the phone.

"Earl, how loving to hear from you. I hope you've got me some good news about that Jacob boy?" Tess asked.

"Lovely to hear from you too Tess. Jacob and his brothers are here with me right now. I've got you on loud speaker so you can have a chat with Jacob Seed himself" Earl informed her.

"How's Abby?" Jacob asked.

"A minute ago she was bad but now she has the biggest smile on her face" Tess replied back. "Give me a second".

The other end of the phone went completely silent for a short moment, until the four men heard sobbing come from the other end.


His heart started racing. The voice was way too familiar to him and he couldn't help but smile a little. "Abby?".

Her sobs got louder after hearing Jacob's voice after a long two months. The men could hear Tess's voice in the background, calming and comforting Abby as she continued to cry.

"I miss you so much Jacob" Abby spoke through her cries.

"I miss you too. Abby, is it true? Are you really pregnant?" Jacob asked nervously. He was somewhat afraid that She would tell him that she lost the baby from stress and being sad a lot.

"Yes it's true. I'm nearly 6 weeks pregnant" Abby replied back. Jacob let out a sigh of relief but his excitement grew a lot more. "You're going to be a dad. Jacob when are you coming for me? I know what life's like without a father. I don't want our child to grow up without his or her father. Please come for me".

"I am Abby. I'm not going to sleep until I have you in my arms again. I promise you my beautiful queen" Jacob was quick to assure her. "I'm coming for you. Stay calm and keep our unborn baby safe. I'll be there soon"

Mountain Lovers (Jacob Seed X Female OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu