Chapter 45 - Celebration

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There is no need to say that Quillish Wammy was a very wealthy man, this fact has already been established. However, what hasn't been said is that he tended to not waste his riches on gratuitous public display, quite unlike other families in the area, namely the Hargroves. The night of the engagement ball was not to be such an occasion as besides being well off, Wammy dearly loved to please his children. Tonight, was to be Anne's turn.

"Well, how do I look?"

I grinned as my sister came out from behind the Japanese print screen in her bedroom arrayed in the loveliest deep red ball gown with sequined straps resting slightly off of her shoulders, her lustrous black hair piled on top of her head in curls and interwoven with a red satin ribbon.

"Perfect." I answered as Ella and Kensey jumped up and down clapping. "Very befitting the belle of the ball."

"Miss Annie looks like Cinderella!" Kensey interjected. "Waiting to meet Prince Charming!"

"I agree." I got up from my chair to embrace my best friend. "I've never seen you look more beautiful. Liam is going to be beside himself."

Anne blushed. "I'm actually a little nervous about that, you know."


"I don't know." She shrugged as the little girls played with her skirts. "Dressing so fine, I'm afraid the Cornells will get the impression that I think I'm better than them."

"Annie!" I reprimanded her with a smile. "They could never think that. You are the most down to earth, genuine soul I've ever known. And everyone will be dressed fine, not just you!"

"There you go talking sense again." she sighed, biting back a smile. "Which reminds me, you still need to get dressed!"

"Yes, I suppose just lounging about with my makeup and hair done won't do all night." I stepped apart from her and began to untie my robe. "Go have a seat with the girls. I won't be long."

"Right." Anne beamed, taking Ella and Kensey by the hand and sitting with them on her bed. "We're waiting!"

Behind the screen, I unzipped the bag holding my gown and took a deep breath. L's rushed ending of our phone conversation still perplexed me. Was he all right? Did he have another important call coming in at that exact moment? Had I said something to offend him? I lifted the shimmering dress off of the hanger and held it against me for a moment. Back when I had held out hope to wear it dancing in his arms, I had longed for this night. Now, as it were, I was still quite excited, but the absolute romance of the moment wasn't meant to be.

"I suppose I could have someone take a picture of me all glammed up." I remarked quietly to myself as I carefully stepped into the dress. "So he doesn't completely miss out."

"Come on, Miss Gracie!" Ella urged from the bed. "We want to see!"

"Almost ready, poppet!" I called back as I slipped my arms through the straps and felt for the zipper below my back to finish changing. My fingers made contact with it and I managed to pull it up to the middle of my back where it ended. I straightened the skirts and closed my eyes. "Here goes nothing."

I came out from behind the partition and opened my eyes at the sounds of loud gasps.

"Oh, no is there something wrong with it? I thought the color might not suit me..." I fretted until Ella surged forward to wrap her arms as far as around my legs as they would go.

"Miss Gracie!" she cried out as Anne and Kensey joined her surrounding me in a tremendous hug, "You look like a doll!"

"A doll?!" I laughed patting her head where a floppy large yellow bow drooped to the side of her shining face. "How interesting!"

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