Chapter 16: This Boy...

Start from the beginning

"Well, I listen to music and spend time outside in the garden," I obviously did something else too, but I don't think that's appropriate to mention to a child. It's open to interpretation.

"I usually write and spend time with Macca," John winked. I rolled my eyes.

"What's your favorite song of all time?"

John pushed his glasses up his nose, "That's a hard one... hm... maybe Stand By Me, how about you Paulie?"

"Put Your Head on My Shoulder," I looked down at the boy to find that he stopped walking.

"I've never heard that one before," oh,yeah.

"Sorry, that's an old one," I looked at my watch, "oh... I guess we have to go now," the boys face dropped.

"Maybe we can eat with you and you're mom," his face instantly lit up after hearing John's comment.

"Whatever you do, don't get the pizza. It's gross," he made a dramatic face and John and I giggled.

"Okay, I'll make sure we won't."

We got down to the cafeteria and found that the place was packed. We look around for maybe two minutes before seeing the kid's mom.

"Oh hi! How was he?" She tilted her head.

"Great," John gave a soft smile.

"Here's your coffee mom," a familiar figure arrived behind her. It was him. The kid who distracted us while we got beaten. John's face turned sour. The kid gasped.

"Hey, say hi to my new friends!" Philip greeted him.

"H-hi. Mom... I-I have to go uhh explain something," his mother looked perplexed as her son walked over and motioned us further away from the table.

"Well?" John stammered.

"I'm sorry. I'm glad I got another chance to say it. I've reported my friends for what happened already," John gave a judgy look.

"You still call them your friends huh?"

"What?" The boy was confused.

"Nothing. We are going to eat with your family so you should prepare yourself to say nothing about what happened. I don't think anyone else should be brought into this." The young man looked down and nodded.

We sat down and ate while answering more questions and exchanging awkward looks with the older son.

"We'd better get going," I said to John.

"Aawww," the boy groaned. He stood up and hugged us as his mother quickly took pictures.

"Thank you for today," she said to us.

"No problem at all. And stay in line," I warmed the boy in a mocking tone.

Here we were. Back out in the lobby waiting and waiting. I was now standing for my bum hurt. John was reading a magazine as I made funny faces at the staring men, and blew kisses at the women. I was just playing with them. Minutes turned into hours.

"Umm... Mr. Lennon, Mr. McCartney, it was successful and they're ready for you now," we walked back with the nurse and listened to the questionable chatter.

The corridor got longer and longer until we got to the room. They had already cleaned everything and had the baby all dressed up in a white onzie.

"Hi," John said softly.

"We need a name. It's a boy by the way," the nurse softly said. John and I looked at each for a hot second.

"Brian Stuart," we said in unison.

"Brian is the first, Stuart is the middle, and... Lennon and McCartney will be the last," the nurse shrugged and handed us the paper work.

I wrote it all down.
Brian Stuart Lennon-McCartney.

I walked over to Nancy.

"How are you?"

"Good. You?" She let out a heavy breath and looked out the window.

"Great," I began to tear up as John rushed to my side, "I'm so happy. We're so happy," I was full on crying now. And that's when I heard it.

A little groan came from a tiny clear box shaped bed which was held up by a cart like object. John and I walked over to it as Nancy smiled.

"Hi there," John giggled. The Brian squirmed and held tight to my finger. I grasped John's hand.

"So precious," I managed through tears.

"Hold him," Nancy advised.

John picked him up and stared into the eyes that remained shut. His hair was a dark brown and he had the cutest button nose.

"I'll treat you right. I'll spoil ye'," John growled. Nancy chuckled.

John passed Brian over to me.

"Hi there. I'm your daddy, and that's your papa. I know it's confusing, but we'll make it easy for you. We'll make the world spin for you. I'll make the sun shine for you and Papa will make the moon bright for you."

A song in the making.

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