Chapter Twenty-Two

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They'd just left the clinic, when a car pulled over, it was Emre, they hadn't noticed him...he wasn't driving his usual car.

"Sanem, what are you doing here....are you ... is everything ok ."

"Emre bey ...yes everything is fine, it's just... Ayhan...she had some work here, I came with her for support." 

Ayhan was pinching Sanem "Why me?" she mouthed to her.

"Ayhan shush..."Sanem ...putting a finger to her lips.

Emre saw the exchange between the friends but continued "I've just left my car in the garage. Are you going back to the office, I'm heading there, I'll give you a lift."

"No...its ok, Emre bey Ayhan needs to go home so I'm...."

"Well then I'll drop Ayhan off first... then we can head back together, come on get in."

They drove in silence apart from the odd word here and there. Ayhan asked to be dropped off at the market.

Emre drove for a little while and then parked the car. He broke the silence... once they were alone. "Sanem, I don't know what happened between you and Arbi, but he's really shattered."

"Emre bey I would have preferred not to have talked about it but since you bought it up....about him, being shattered, that is... what about me ...what about all the humiliation I've had to face."

"Sanem, please... I know it's none of my business but what happened. You were both so happy."

"He found out, Emre bey...he found out about the perfume...about the photography licence, someone told him I don't know who..."

"He hasn't mentioned anything..."

"That's because he doesn't know anything about your involvement."

"Well who told him ...why didn't they tell him I was just as much to blame, even more so."

"He didn't give me a chance to explain, he just finished it there and then. Like I've said...what about all the humiliation I've had to face.
Along with the notion that I've deceived my parents in the most devious way. I have to live with that for the rest of my life. 
I don't know what I was doing, but that's just a lame excuse. No...Emre bey I was living in my own bubble.
I'm only thankful it burst as quickly as it did. That I didn't a chance... to get used to living in my own dream land. That would have been harder for me to handle, I will get over this. "

"It's not fair on you Sanem, I'm going to tell him myself."

"No...Emre bey, there's really no point. It's not as if he's going to dig deeper to find out anything, he has no reason to. Nobody knows about your participation in it, I mean... it's not very likely that Aileen will come back. There's no proof, why disrupt your relationship.... you've just about mended it, no point at all."

"But Sanem what about your relationship..."

"That's over Emre bey, he said so himself ...and now I believe it's for the best. I can't be in a relationship where I have to walk on egg shells... in fear that he will leave me at the first sign of trouble, and boy does trouble come our way. It's like we attract it like a magnet. 
My mum was right we're from two different worlds, it was evident... if not this time then in the future we would have broken up. I can understand about the licence...but Emre was as if he based our relationship on the scent of a perfume...this is for the best."

"You can't be sure of that Sanem...just try to talk, just the two of you. Arbi loves you...Sanem please. I've never seen him like this just give him a chance...please."

"Emre bey... it's not about me giving him a chance. Listen how many times will this is not always straightforward, Emre bey there are good times and bad times. like I said I can't live in that fear. It's  better this way I've come to accept it, and he can't be that shattered considering he's moved on, which is good and I'm happy about that...truthfully."

"I'm sorry Sanem I should have intervened done something... it's been so busy with work. I mean I've been out of the office lately. Sanem listen there's nothing going on with Polen, mum invited her to stay."

Taking a deep breath "It doesn't matter to me, but Emre bey I have one request, a favour...if you could do it for me."

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