12. Knock Knock.

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Sana was walking home when a cold hand was put on her shoulder. She froze in her place but had to turn around anyway.

A part of her was relaxed to see it was Tzuyu but she was anxious, still.

"Haven't you forgotten something?" The tall girl asked, smirking.

The Japanese girl tried to think about anything she would have forgotten but failed miserably. She shook her head.

"You forgot to give me a kiss!" Tzuyu pouted.

Sana's eyes widened and she almost choked on her own saliva.

"Chill, I'm just kidding" The Taiwanese laughed "you forgot this" she said as she handed her a key.

"Oh my God!" Sana exclaimed "I don't know how I was supposed to enter my apartment".

"Me neither" The taller one nodded and winked, preparing herself to leave.

"Well it'd be rude of me not to invite you inside" Sana said confidently "so would you?"



The morning came, and Sana wished it didn't. She has to work today and that bothers her; especially with the presence of a tall brunette in her bed.

She smiles recalling the events of last night; Tzuyu really was something else. And maybe, just maybe, she had to forget about her job a little and enjoy the moment.

Speaking of her, Tzuyu's eyes shot open as she struggled to move.

" Thank god I'm not the only one who's sore" Sana remarked.

Tzuyu only smirked as she was about to check her phone. Her eyebrows furrowed when she didn't find the device on the nightstand beside her.

Sana panicked, of course she was the one messing with the phone. She quickly gathered the courage to hand it to her, flashing her one of her seductive smiles.

"I don't know why the alarm was off at three in the morning so I just turned it off" she said casually.

Tzuyu didn't suspect anything; she was too busy admiring the beauty before her.

"Do you usually wake up this gorgeous?" she decided to flirt.

"Only when I spend the previous night with an equally gorgeous woman" the Japanese girl winked.

For the first time, Tzuyu could feel her cheeks burning. She is usually the one who makes others blush.

After a few minutes of making out, they both decided to hit their work. Both going separate ways but Tzuyu still insisted to give Sana a ride since the latter didn't have a car.


Lisa opened her eyes lazily, getting exhausted just by the thought of work. But she loved it anyway, it was her passion. She was a dedicated dancer no matter what.

She got up, the smell of coffee hitting her. She followed it only to be greeted by one of the best views ever: Rosé was in nothing but a long shirt looking through the window while holding a cup of coffee.

Did she get married? was this honeymoon? she mentally slapped herself for thinking like that and decided to clear her throat.

That startled the red haired girl which made  Lisa laugh.

"hey! don't do that! you almost got me a heart attack" Rosé complained as she put her hand on her chest.

"I'm sorry" Lisa pouted "now I want some coffee if you may" she said as she sat down.

"sure" the girl said as she poured the liquid into another cup and handed it to Lisa.

The Thai girl thanked her before saying:

"now if you're gonna stay here, you might as well come with me to the studio".

Rosé choked a little on her coffee but asked nevertheless " what?"

"well you mentioned something about you being a singer and a guitarist, and I have this friend who is a music teacher, you'll really have fun I promise"

The redhead smiled widely and nodded. she agreed which made Lisa rush her to get dressed because she was being late.


As they walked, Lisa made a sudden stop and it startled Rosé, again.

"you're easily scared" Lisa laughed "chill mate" she said with an accent.

"Are you mocking my accent?" Rosé asked, faking irritation.

"probably, I stopped because I really like this cafeteria" The taller girl explained.

"haven't we just had coffee?"

"Yes, but we didn't drink juice" Lisa smiled victoriously as Rosé sighed.

They took a seat, one facing the other. Something about Lisa made Rosé madly interested in her.

"If you're going to stare at me like that, I'll forget to order" Lisa smirked.

Rosé blushed heavily before drifting her gaze from the girl across from her to the girl approaching them.

The said girl bowed and remarked "oh hi! it's nice to see you again"

"Oh well, if you're going to be the waitress then trust me, you'll see a lot of me" Lisa started her flirt game.

Sana just blushed and decided to drop the topic and straightforwardly ask for their orders.

Once she got them, she excused herself to leave.

"You know her?" Rosé asked in a monotonous voice, she was feeling bothered for god knows what reason.

"Not really, it just happens that she was the waitress from last time when I came with Momo" Lisa shrugged it off.

"No wonder why you chose this cafeteria" Rosé flashed her a fake smile, she was still irritated.

Lisa sensed something was off but she decided not to push it.

Soon enough, Sana came back with two orange juices. Rosé immediately thanked her, not letting Lisa speak.

After Sana left, the atmosphere grew heavy and the silence was so uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Lisa's phone began buzzing and she answered it.

"Yes, Miss Korea?" Lisa smirked.

"Manoban, aren't you late?"

"Woah, are you missing me?"

"Not really, just come over. the building is kind of empty and it's freaking me out"

"Alright alright, I'm on my way" She hung up not realizing that Rosé didn't even take a sip of her drink.

"Why didn't you drink?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Not feeling like it" Rosé replied in an annoyed tone.

Lisa got up to pay, leaving a mad Rosé behind.

But what Rosé didn't know is that someone was watching her.

Someone who has just dropped a waitress off to her job but didn't expect such a surprise. She was just about to leave when she caught a glimpse of a certain red head sitting alone on a table for two.

She was so content to find none other than her boss' sister casually chilling in a cafeteria.

"Well well well Park, enjoy this calm moment because it will be the last one" Tzuyu clicked her tongue as she dialed a number on her phone.

Minutes later, the person on the other line replied "yes Tzuyu?"

"Hello boss, I think I have news that might make you happy".

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