"Don't lose hope"

"Please, Obito..."

"Don't give in."

That voice...

It was your voice running through Obito's head, disrupting the malicious impulse that was commanding him to surrender.

Madara was right about the Uchiha clan. The Uchiha had an extensive history of pain and revenge, but Madara had forgotten that Uchihas were also a clan that flourished on love. Uchihas experience emotions that are unusually and indescribably intense, but that also meant that they experience love just as intensely, and Obito was no exception. Love to an Uchiha is so powerful that it can influence their life to where it can be the foundation of hatred and despair – but love can also be the guidance they need to achieve great things.

Before you arrived in this world, it was destined that Obito would lose hope for the shinobi world after the death of his love, Rin. But now, it was you who was also the source of his anguish. Because of this, the feelings inside Obito were different from when it was solely Rin. Your last words to him were to never give up and to never lose hope for this world. You saw something in this world that Obito was starting to lose sight of, but your wish to him and the calming aura of your soul was overriding his hostile urges and allowed him to see clearly.  

"Now," Madara began to speak, satisfied with the success and progression of his plan. "You understand what you must do. Collect the Nine Tailed Beasts to absor-"


Madara's instructions were cut off, catching him off guard by that single unorthodox word.

"The Eye of the Moon Plan," Obito stated firmly. "(y/n) and Rin would never want this."

It wasn't the world that was torturing Obito. It was Madara.

Obito realized this. He lifted his gaze from the ground to meet with Madara's; their Mangekyou Sharingan making contact as the two Uchiha stood off silently in a stare for dominance. Obito's tears flowed in steady lines down his face. As he leered at the man responsible for his pain, your view on this world and the words you once told Obito long ago never left his thoughts.


"So who's your favorite Hokage, Obito?"

The young Uchiha blinked at the question as his arms crossed behind his head, his gaze lost amongst the stars. "Wouldn't say I have a favorite. That geezer Lord Third did let you stay in the village though, so I guess I'd go with him."

You chuckled and hummed contently at his answer as you settled onto your back to join him in gazing at the night sky, hands resting on your stomach.

"Who's your favorite shinobi?" he asked, slightly turning his head in your direction.

"Favorite shinobi? Hmm..."

Obito blinked in anticipation of your answer and removed his sight from the sky over to you after taking so long to respond.

"...I really admire Minato-sensei; he always seems like he knows just what to do."

Obito's face scrunched up slightly in irritation at your answer, opting to look away from you as he thought about just how amazingly talented his sensei really was. It made him feel inferior in every way.

"With that said, I wouldn't call him my favorite," you added as the 14-year-old Obito directed his attention from the night sky back to you with curiosity in his eyes.

"I'd have to say that my favorite ninja would be... well... you, Obito."

Obito blushed and jumped slightly in surprise. "Huh, m-me? What makes you say that?"

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