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"Watch it you little shit!"

Tiffany hates kids. This little shit head just tried to run her over with his scooter in the hallway of this apartment complex. She would go anywhere else to find a place, but this is all she could afford on the measly savings she had. Her ex was a lame ass, gold digging, insecure twat. He kicker her out of his apartment and she needed a new one ASAP. This place was lacking a few of her previous requirements to be livable, like a guard and parking deck, but she still had parking and this town was small enough to not really need a guard.

She knew she would be attacked with how beautiful she was, it was a matter of time. She just had to learn to keep herself safe since she couldn't rely on anyone else.

As she walked into the apartment complex, she noticed an old man in a wheelchair coming out of the elevator. At least the building wasn't so old that she would have to take stairs like a common person. The child that enraged Tiffany before was nowhere in sight and Tiffany had a feeling this was Mr. Ellis.

"Hello there. It's great to meet one of my new neighbors!" She smiles at him as wide as she could to get him to think she was friendly and a good neighbor.

"You don't have the apartment yet, Ms Lake," Tate deadpanned his response to the clearly over acting Tiffany.

"Oh, but who wouldn't want me, Mr Ellis? I will be a great addition to this place. I am clean, beautiful and I don't party at home." Tiffany had rehearsed this sales pitch over and over. She wanted to make sure she looked earnest and adorable. She knew she was a hellcat on heels, but she had to show him her innocent side to make sure she got the apartment.

Tate had been around fake people his entire life. Tiffany was just like the rest. He would have to find a tenant who interested him more. She just wouldn't do.

"Oh, you must be Mr. Ellis! Why don't we get this interview started. I would love to move in quickly and get my life back. I spent too long wasting time with a man who was jealous of my beauty. Can you believe that? He couldn't handle being with me. I need to find a man who can handle me and take care of me like I should be." Tiffany through out a slight wink to see if he would take the bait. It was gross to flirt with an old man, but he owned a building. He had to have some money and who wouldn't want to be with her except her jealous ex?

Tate smiled at her. She was a horrible person and he would love watching her fail over and over. He had made up his mind. He already knew she was struggling to pay for anything due to her lack of work as a model, but he would just prod her a bit to see how she would handle it. It was in the lease agreement that she paid or she left the next day. No late payments were allowed. The police had been notified that this was the case and all payments were to be made by check. If the tenant couldn't prove payment was made or the check bounced, he could kick her out immediately.

"Ok, apartment 3 is yours. I need you to come sign the agreement before you move in." Tate

"I'll come right now." Another wink.

Tate was trying to hold his laughter in. She was a mess. He led her to his basement apartment and had her sign a year contract. This city might be small, but it bordered A city near New York so people liked living here as it was close to big places, but not too loud.

Tiffany signed the agreement and had the movers move her few things in the same day. She was excited to live on her own after her parents left her at an orphanage when she was 9. Too many kids in a small place was not pleasant.

The first thing she did in her new apartment was get booze, pizza and a movie. When she had finished hiring herself on pizza and beer, she went to the bathroom and threw it all up. The silent camera caught everything. She then took a shower and headed to bed.

The next day, Tiffany went to a modeling gig and came home exhausted. She had been holding kettle bells for hours showing people how fun it was to work out. She never worked out if she didn't have to. Being rail thin was a perk of eating well she told everyone including herself.

A few days flew by and she did the exact same thing. She would take a pill everyday hat tasted like death, but made sure she got all of her vitamins.

Tate wandered into her apartment to see what pills were actually in the bottle. Those were not vitamins. Those were ground up bones in a pill capsule. There were even fragments left in it. Tate couldn't help it, he stole one to see why kind of bones were in it. He had a sneaky suspicion of what it was.

Tiffany had run out of pills and came back later that day with two new bottles. Tate has gotten the results and just waited to see how this would turn out. He was glad he picked her as his resident.

As the weeks wore on, Tiffany had started inviting men over to her place as she said she wouldn't. She would entertain them until they grew tired or bored of her shenanigans. She would then beat them over the head and drag their bodies into the shower. Another friend would come over and help her with the bodies. The pill bottles would be full by the time she was done and the evidence would be gone. This friend of hers looked very familiar to Tate, but he couldn't figure out whom it was.

Six months into her contact, Tiffany had called Tate to see if she could break her lease early. Apparently someone had witnessed her dragging s drunk guy into her apartment and never saw him leave. It wasn't so much that that was the problem, but the person had seen his face and found his wallet that fell out of his pocket before Tiffany could catch it. She would have taken the pregnant woman and avoided all future problems, but she knew she couldn't kill at her home. Another tenant saw them speaking together. Everyone would know she was talking to Tiffany and going door to door to kill everyone around wasn't an option.

Tate told her to pay the agreed upon total for the year and she could get out of it. He knew she didn't have the money and so did she.

That large friend of Tiffany was back and there was no body to take. Tate was intrigued as to what was going on. He finally saw a good picture of the person who came to help Tiffany and Tate wasn't shocked in the least. It was good old Bart. The body shape had seemed massive and disfigured, but Tate couldn't put his finger on it. Other residents didn't react to him like he should have warranted either because they knew him.

Bart has gone in to her apartment and came out with more bottles. Tate was a bit confused so he switched cameras and noticed Tiffany was nowhere to be found.

Tate intercepted Bart in the hallway near the exit.

"What did you do?" Tate asked Bart slowly.

He just grunted. He knew Bart wasn't intelligent enough for all of this. Ida. Ida somehow knew the girl.

Tate pulled out his phone and called Ida. "Are you crazy? How did you know her?"

"Tate, my dear brother, that girl owed me money. She tried to turn my son against me. She tried to make him do her dirty work so she could stay beautiful. She was skin and bones. It was easy to just take them and continue her little side business. Don't tell me you will miss her. She was an absolute bitch."

"You have made this more trouble than it needed to be." Was all I told her.

The police were called when she didn't pay her rent and they said she probably skipped town. She was a known drug pusher on her modeling gigs and was being looked at by the DEA. They knew she was pushing drugs, but they couldn't figure out what was in them since they couldn't get their hands on them.

Tate let them clear out her room to see if they could find anything. When he was watching in his wheelchair, a bottle rolled over to the policeman next to Tate. It had been hidden in a small hidden door under the cabinets that required a little nudge.

The police officer looked at Tate and down at his slightly uncovered legs in his wheelchair.

"Where did this come from?" He was glaring at Tate now. They had know each other for a few years as he had helped with a few previous tenants.

"It just rolled out. Maybe you pushed something or touched something." Tate wheeled himself out of the room after that while the officer just watched him. Tate heard a sigh of resignation behind him and rolled off right after.

He would have to interview a new tenant as soon as he got the all clear that it wasn't a murder sight. With what was in the bottle, that may take a while. Tate rolled to the elevator with a grin on his face.

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