27. The Pool incident

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"Any interesting happened?"


"What are you waiting for? Spill it out"

[But first, what is she to you, keiji?"

"It's none of your damn business, hurry and just fcking tell me what happened, will you?"

[No, if you won't answer my question]

"Fck! She's just a girl i'm currently fcking with! It's not a damn big deal. Since i already answered your question, Can you fcking tell me what happened?"

There's a pause on the other line. Seconds later, I heard a deep sigh. What's with this bastard?

[When will you change keiji? You know that what you are doing is wrong]

"Seriously kai? Are you seriously telling me that again? I'm not calling you to lecture me what's right or wrong, i've had enough. If you're just going to spout nonsense shit I better end this damn call"

I was about to press the end button when he immediately respond before i can click it.

[I talked to her]

"What?! Who told you to?! I'm only asking you to watch her! Don't do some unecessary shit!"

[It's not really unecessary, it might-----

"Can't you just tell me what happened Kai?! I'm not fcking interested to hear what you're about to say!"


"Shouldn't you have said that sooner?"

[My bad. So, the past few days before the field trip, I saw her with her friend on the rooftop. I wasn't expecting that i already met her friend from the past. Basically, we know each other. They were talking at the rooftop, i don't really know what they've talked about, the only thing i heard was meiko's sorry's. She's saying it multiple times]


Why would she say sorry to him?

I recalled what happened these past few days.

Maybe it's because of the time where he saw us making out on her room? There's no any other reasons. Knowing her, she was really damn afraid that her friend will know our situation. It was really stupid of her to think that way though. It doesn't really matter is it? We can fuck without minding his existence. Besides, that bastard is just a friend.

[Yes, they we're talking and Ivan attempted to kiss her. I think he likes her and it seems like meiko wasn't really shocked at all based on her reactions. Maybe she knew that her friend likes her, or maybe he confessed his feelings before that day. My gut says so but who knows?]

After hearing it, i feel my blood boiling up to my head.

"The fck?! And what did you do?! Just damn stare----

[No. I stopped them as what you've told me to do when circumstances like that happened. I managed to stop his attempt somehow, and he's not even denying it. I guess, Ivan must really like meiko]

I clenched my fist out of frustration. How dare that guy fcking touch my plaything. He's damn forcing himself to her even though we both know who meiko likes in the bed.

"It doesn't even matter if he likes her. Fck that 'like' feeling, in the end, meiko will choose who's good in the bed between me and that Ivan bastard"

[It seems like you're underestimating the feeling of 'love' or 'like' keiji. You may not realize it now but between 'love' and 'good at doing it', Love without doubt transcend sex. Love is an inner feeling, it connects two people within the heart especially when the other party feels the same way. Intercourse without feeling any love, only connects bodies and fulfill each other's selfish desires which is the lust-----

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