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The tires crackled against the pavement as Mark pulled into the Mcdonalds parking lot, and up to the order screen,

"What do you guys want?"

Mark questioned and Jason perked up,

"I want a happy meal, make sure they add in the little toy too! Fuckers forgot it last time."

Jason grumbled, as he returned to his daydream, and before Mark could even relay the order, Ace rolled down his window, and the young girl behind the monitor spoke,

"Go ahead!"

"Can I get a steak quesarito."

Mark facepalmed, as the girl behind the monitor stuttered,

"T-this isn't Taco Bell, sir. It's Mcdonalds."

Ace's face scrunched up in confusion before turning to Mark,

"I thought this was Burger King-"

Mark inhaled deeply as he fought the urge to curbstomp the man in the seat behind him,


As the two bickered back and forth loudly, the girl behind the monitor listened in awkward silence. She wasn't sure how to handle a situation like this, nor was she trained on how to assist these unique occurrences.

You sighed heavily.


After that whole fiasco, Mark ended up pulling to the front entrance of Mcdonalds, and allowing you to go inside to order their things.

Was it embarrassing? Extremely, but at least you got free food out of it.

You squeaked when you opened the room door to an angry Bakugou. Dark circles clung under his crimson hues and his brows furrowed angrily,

What's got his panties in a twist?!

You waved awkwardly, swallowing the nervous lump in your throat,


You forced a grin but he spoke sternly,

"Where have you been?"

"I just went out with a few friends."

You placed your dorm keys on the dresser, and waved the evidence of the leftover Mcdonald's bag whilst slipping off your slides,

"--and besides, why do you care?"

He looked extremely tired before offering an explanation for his current demeanor,

"You made a ton of noise when you left, and I couldn't go back to sleep for shit."

Your arms fell to your sides, and your posture straightened,

"I'm sorry, I'll be quieter next time."

A permanent scowl remained on Bakugou's visage as he burned that terrifying glare of his into your soul. You'd be more scared of him however, had it not been for the humongous furry spider currently crawling out from under your bed.

Your eyes widened as you belted a loud scream, much to Bakugou's delight, and you scurried onto your bed as you jumped up and down in fright,

"What's wrong with you?!-"

Bakugou shouted, and you pointed in the direction you previously stood,

"There's a spider!"

You squealed, becoming squeamish, and Bakugou rolled his eyes,

The spider's probably tiny, why get so worked up over a stupid--

Bakugou's thoughts halted when he spotted the unnaturaly huge arachnid,

That's definitely a tarantula...

What business would a tarantula have in his dorm? He didn't know, and he didn't wanna find out.

He hopped onto the bed, as the spider began following you both,

"Why didn't you kill it?!"

"Do you see the size of that thing?!"

Bakugou retorted and as the tarantula began climbing over the foot of your bed, you and Bakugou hugged each other instinctively as the screams you belted increased in volume.

If only you were thinking clearly, you would've realized that doing that was a bad idea. Since you thought it'd be only you and Ace going to Mcdonalds, you didn't bother putting on a binder.

But still, because it was so dark, the guys weren't able to see clearly. Plus, they wouldn't have suspected such anyways, Mark was too focused on dealing with the two idiots lingering in the backseat.

As you pressed closer against Bakugou, squealing loudly, his crimson hues widened,

What the...

"It's climbing over the bed! Bakugou get it!"

You cried, your words becoming slurred gibberish. You shielded yourself with the buff blond, using him as a means of sacrifice to pacify the furry arachnid, but he was still left in disbelief,

Is Jin....a?

As if answering your prayers, a person climbed through the window. You both lived on the second floor, but you decided against asking how he was even capable of doing so,

"I heard screaming, so I thought maybe Eren made it in here."

Upon seeing the oversized arachnid, his face lit up,


"Oh, thank god!"

You heaved a relived sigh,

"Please getitgetitgetit-"

You pointed eagerly, and he chuckled before scooping the spider in his hands with ease,

"Eren won't harm you, don't worry~"

He sang but you shook your head,

"You don't know that."

Another chuckle escaped his lips before he introduced himself,

"I'm Brian Maiava, so if you see this guy, you know who to find."

He bid farewell before quickly disappearing to his dorm through the way he came, and you placed a hand over your chest to calm your racing heart. Bakugou stepped off of your bed, his eyes studying you with curiousity.

More things beginning to click in his head, things starting to make sense, but he didn't want to be too quick to assume. He at least wanted to gather more information before making any final conclusions.

But, if what he thought was true, then he'd make sure that you get kicked off of the team permanently.


She's the Man! [BNHA FOOTBALL AU!] (Reader x Bakugou!) BEING REWRITTEN!Where stories live. Discover now