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You hugged your pillow, as you slept comfortably. Your vision was still fuzzy as warm streaks of sunlight kissed your awakening visage through the window,

Despite how hectic yesterday was. I still managed to have a good nights rest.

You sat up, and yawned loudly, giving your arms a good stretch before turning over, and reading the time on your phone,

"Looks like I still have about thirty-five minutes left until my first class."

You pointed out, still half-asleep, and completely oblivious to the empty bed on the opposite side of the room.

You turned onto your side, and curled an arm under your head.

You decided to use these last few minutes to sneak in another nap, before a wave of realization washed over you, and you jumped out of bed at the speed of light,

"Thirty five minutes?!"

You screeched, checking the clock on your phone, and narrowing your eyes as you read the time carefully,

"I'm gonna be late! Shit!-"

You screamed, falling out of bed, and untangling yourself from the blankets as you paced frantically all over the place,

"Where's my uniform?! Goddamn it all!"


"Hello guys, I'll be your English teacher this y-"

The teacher introduced, but he was cut-off abruptly as a certain cross-dressing student stumbled through the door,

"I made it!"

You heaved a sigh of relief as the bell rang not too long after you'd entered the classroom. Eyes all around the room focused their attention on you, but you were just thankful that you wouldn't be marked tardy on the very first day.

The teacher glanced at you with a somewhat irritated expression etched into his visage,

"Who are you?"

He questioned monotonously, and you cleared your throat,

"I'm Jin (L/n)."

You grinned, and the teacher simply averted his gaze as he reached for his coffee with a hefty sigh,

"Hurry up and pop a squat. Tomorrow, I expect you to be on time."

He spoke, taking a sip, and you quickly found your way to a vacant seat as class commenced.


You walked through the commissary aimlessly as you pondered what to get for lunch. The Yuuei cafeteria offered Subway, as well as regular school lunch, and because Yueei was such a prestigious University; the food being served looked like something out of a gourmet restaraunt.

The floors were spotless, it looked like someone had waxed it just this morning.

Your mouth salivated as you pondered what you should get,

I'm not the biggest fan of Subway, but it'll fill me up, I guess. Though, the school lunch is cheaper, or maybe I should just go somewhere off-campus?

Ah, but Shindou was the one who dropped me off here, and my car's still at the repair shop!

You had no means of transportation, so, unless you wanted to walk the entire lunchtime; Going off-campus was out of the question,

"School lunch it is!-"

You thought out loud, as you entered the lunchline. You grabbed a tray and followed suit, stepping forward as the line moved,

She's the Man! [BNHA FOOTBALL AU!] (Reader x Bakugou!) BEING REWRITTEN!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant