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A/N: should've specified, but there will be SOME minor changes, the plot will still be the same though!!

I'll only be changing a few things like OOC moments and parts of the series I find a little problematic/strange haha....


You exclaimed,

"I'm sorry, (Y/n), but there's nothing we can do about it."

Your coach explained softly, as she placed several picture frames lined across her desk into a nearby cardboard box; Preparing to move all of her things out of the office she once claimed.

The sun shined through the dirty window, and illuminated your infuriated (e/c) hues delicately,

"I'll give him a piece of my mind!"

You shouted, swerving on your heel, and throwing the door open with a loud bang,

"(Y/n)! Wait!"

She exclaimed, but you were too angry to think rationally. Your blood boiled with rage as negative thoughts began to plague your mind,

How could they just cut the team right before the season was gonna start? Especially after all of the trophies we've won for them?!

You clicked your tongue in annoyance as you twisted and turned into different hallways. Marching confidently to the Principal's office as you conjured up a good mental summary of the valid points you wanted to bombard him with,

Our team was full of amazing, and skilled players! This year could've been our big break!

Once reaching the office, you paid no mind to the office staff lingering about, and in a frustrated hurry, you belted,

"Principal Nezu!"

Wasting no time, you waltzed directly to his office. Your sneakers thumping against the thin carpet, as you passed by several office doors. (E/c) hues searching desperately for the man in question.

During your heated search, you overheard one of the conversations of the nearby office workers,

"She's the third one today."

A lady sporting violet-colored spectacles pointed out. She sat behind a large computer screen as her nails clacked against it's keyboard, and a woman of a much younger appearance chimed in,

"I know, I can't help but feel so sorry for these girls. We're the only University in the State that offered a female team for this particular sport."

You ignored their words as they continued their conversation, and you perked up upon finally finding yourself at his door,

"Speak of the devil..."

You whispered, as you lifted your hand and balled a fist before pounding away at his door like a cranky tax collector,

"Principal Nezu!-"

You repeated endlessly, before knocking one final time,

"Principal Ne!--"

You were abruptly cut off when the door slowly creaked open, and the silhouette standing before you was not the familiar outline of miniature Principal Nezu, but rather a man of a much more sinister appearance.

You were taken aback as your eyes hesitantly trailed upwards, meeting his tired, yet, piercing gaze.

He had onyx-colored orbs as well as a pair of hefty eyebags to match. His long black hair was slightly disheveled, and pulled into a loose bun. Light stubble decorated his face, and judging by his attire and somewhat peeved expression--it seemed as if he had just awoken from a nap.

She's the Man! [BNHA FOOTBALL AU!] (Reader x Bakugou!) BEING REWRITTEN!Where stories live. Discover now