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"I need your help, please Shindou!"

You pleaded desperately as you gave the dark haired male the cutest puppy-dog eyes you could muster, and he sweatdropped at the scene before him,

"(Y/n)...We could get in big trouble for doing this--"

"Please, please, please, please!-"

You, Camie, and Inasa relentlessly begged, and being unable to ignore your cries any longer. Shindou succumbed,

"Alright! Alright! Stop it! I'll help you!"

He spoke, and a wide smile plastered itself onto your features as you high-fived your partners in crime sitting beside you.

You celebrated briefly, before regathering yourself,

"Yay! What's first, Shindou?!

You inquired excitedly, as (e/c) eyes stared up innocently at Shindou as he carefully observed your features. Cocking his head to the left, as he eyed you up and down.

A moment of silence passed, and after getting a good look at you, he closed his eyes, and nodded to himself,

"First, we do something about that hair of yours."

He finally spoke, opening his dark hues, and gesturing to your (h/c/t) tresses. You inaudibly gasped as you subconsciously began to fix your hair. Attempting to hide any flyaways,

"What do you mean by that?!"

You worriedly exclaimed, and Shindou mouthed the word, 'haircut'.

Immediately, you began to voice your detestations,

"Wait, I don't want to cut it! Can't I pull off a Legolas look? Become a guy with long hair?"

You inquired with hopeful eyes, and raised eyebrows, but Shindou remained adamant and shook his head,

"No, they'll know you're a girl, (Y/n)."

Camie and Shindou stated simultaneously, and you pouted,

"Well...you never know, maybe they wouldn't notice."

You grumbled, and Shindou turned towards you. You looked to him inquisitively, as you awaited his next words, and he seemed as if he were carefully plucking the words to say,

"I don't know how to explain this, (Y/n), but, your face is a little too pretty and feminine to keep your hair the way it is. It'd arouse too many questions from the people around you."

You blinked awkwardly as you were slightly taken aback by his words,

Too pretty and feminine?

He pinched your cheeks, and flashed you a wide smile, as well as a corny wink in the process.

You hung your head low, before muttering in a defeated tone,


You said, as you all followed him to his vehicle. He twirled his keys in his hand and whistled lightly, however, before you all stepped inside; He turned towards you with a raised brow,

"Are you sure you want this? Because, when we get to the hairdresser, I'm telling them to cut it all off."

Shindou pointed out, waiting patiently for your response as the sun's rays finally began to show themselves beyond the clouds.

He searched your eyes for any hesitance, and after much internal debate, you inhaled deeply,

"Yeah...I'm sure."

She's the Man! [BNHA FOOTBALL AU!] (Reader x Bakugou!) BEING REWRITTEN!Where stories live. Discover now