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"At the rate you are going, you'll never be courted and be a queen." My step-mother sighs, pulling back her silky, milk white bed sheets.
"What if...I don't want to be courted? I've only been around the sun 20 times. Youth is still running through my blood-"
"ENOUGH! You will do better in your etiquette classes! No one wants to wed a woman with no class. Your mother would know better than anyone." She snaps at me.
I shift my weight from my left foot to the right. Staring at the brown, middle aged woman who was glowering at me in anger.
"Don't talk about my mother! If I have to marry I want it to be for love not for a stupid alliance." I warn
"You silly, incompetent child. Akâsha, you are the bastard made Princess of Hitat and you need to start acting like it. It is your duty as a royal to marry for this country and it's people. Your father would roll around in his grave at your words."
"Do not bring my father into this! He would support me, no matter my choosing!" I snap
"You watch your tone and recognize to whom you are speaking with!" She cautions
Immediately, I shut my mouth before I find myself in a land of even more trouble.
"I'm so glad I birthed a son, before your father lay with that witch of a woman and created you. Our dear kingdom would be in trouble under your ruling. Now, you are dismissed."
"Yes, your grace" I state quickly and turn on my heels to retreat out the room.

That sour hag of a woman is my step-mother and former queen, Mandisa. She acts as if she has a whole spear up her ass. As for myself, I'm the one and only Akâsha. Well known throughout kingdoms for being the outspoken, brown rebel who needs to be tamed.
I am of the Huiet royal lineage, people who are descendants of Ancient Egyptians. The kingdom of Hitat is currently under the reign of my egotistical half brother, Akil. Before my father passed, he had my status legitimized by the court to be a true Princess.

Mandisa's words are true, my mother was said to be the courts medicinal woman. Her and my father, King Ramses had me out of wedlock, while he was married to Mandisa. She died while giving birth to me. My father would speak very highly of her. Her name was Aya, meaning an angel who knows magic.
I wish I was able to meet her. Rumors say she wasn't even from Hitat. They say her family was fleeing a rival kingdom. Made their way here and impressed my father with their knowledge of herbs and medicine.

"Princess, what are you doing wondering the halls at this hour?" Akil questions, while making his way up the golden staircase. Batiste, my brothers best friend and our best warrior was behind him.
"Being scolded by your wicked mother." I answer as I fold my arms.
"She's right you know, you're 20 you should be married and bearing a heir to the throne by now. You being bastard born it's going to be harder for you. " He says
"Says the Queenless King." I smirk
He slowly walks up to me, his large frame towering over mine. He doesn't bother to crack a smile.
"I would watch what you say before I take your hand in marriage myself." He taunts
"You can't do that."
"Our ancestors kept it in the family, why don't we? Besides you're only my half sister." He whispers while his fingertips graze the side of my left cheek.
Batiste clears his throat
"My lord, shall we continue our discussion on our trade with the future Kingdom of Sareuda." He interrupts
I back away quickly from my brothers touch.
"You disgusts me. " I grimace and continue my way to my room.
I give Batiste a quick glance before completely leaving them behind me.

I retreat to my room where Keta, my servant and best friend, was waiting.
"Your grace." She formally greets as I make my way through the door. She shuts it and I flop onto my bed.
"Keta, do you think I'm ill mannered?" I sigh as I sit up to look at her
"Well, since you weren't really a princess most of your life you are pretty...free spirited and wild. But now that behavior as a princess is looked down upon. But you are just being you." She answers and sits next to me.
"I don't want to have to change who I am." I reply
"You don't have to, just make them think you changed..." she suggests
"So pretend..." I quietly say to myself
"Also I should tell you, I over heard Mandisa planning a party in 2 days. She's inviting royals from all over to experience how we get down and party!" She laughs
"She's not slick, she's clearly doing this for Akil and I. To find a willing Queen and me a Prince or King." I state

AKÂSHA : AMBW {Namjoon Fanfic} Where stories live. Discover now