Chapter Seven

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Soooooo... I said I was back and then completely left again. Sorryy!!!! Umm idk what else to say but I'll just write now. So this is a flashback chapter!!!! I feel like this story was rushed and definitely needs some explaining so this chapter is gonna be about how the whole soulmate thing works and about Deku figuring out everything on his own at a young age. I hope you like it!

*Midoryia's POV*
     In elementary school we had an assembly for all of the older kids. My teacher, Mrs. Harvey, told us to get in a single file line and follow her to the gym. I followed along happily and wanted to know what was going on. As we entered the gym I sat down with my class and looked around the gym. There was the principal, who was standing beside a man who looked like a scientist or a doctor.

     "Attention students! Attention!" The principal called out, "I'd like to introduce our guest speaker today, Dr. Reid." As the principal finished talking he handed over the microphone to the man next to him.

     "Hello everyone! As your principal stated, I'm Dr. Reid and I'm here today to talk to you guys about soulmates," said Dr. Reid.

     "As you may have heard of, in our world we all have a soulmate, wether or not you realize it. Every baby when born does not yet have a soulmate mark. The only way people do get soulmate marks is through experiencing love. Most children experience unconditional love from their parents, and that is enough for a soulmate mark to appear. These marks not only match the mark on another person but also creates a bond between two people even if they haven't met.

     This allows soulmates to sometimes have the same dreams, ideas or even thoughts. This sort of mental connection helps bring two people together. But even though soulmates have this sort of bond they don't always meet each other, and sometimes they even get married to different people. Though, when you do find your soulmate and express your love for one another then the bond becomes almost unbreakable. With this a mark can change color to represent their soulmate, which sort of claims them for the soulmate." Dr. Reid explains.

     A kid raises his hand and asks, "Do people do irrational things to get their soulmate?"

     Dr. Reid nods and says, "Yes, in fact there have been cases where when a person believes that another person could never be their soulmate or could never like them then it tends make the mind think of irrational things. Most soulmate relationship just start randomly when it's found out they should be together. It's and instinct that makes two people come together even if they've barely even known each other. The mind and body will do everything it can to get to their soulmate, which usually does not include rational thinking. That is why even though soulmates have a strong bond, they can break the bond.

     When a bond is broken a mark will lose its color and even in some cases a person will change so much after the loss of their soulmate that the mark will disappear or the mark can even change to a different one, meaning the new person they have become had now changed who they should be with."
     Another kid raises their hand and asks, "What about gender? Does that matter for soulmates?"

     "Not at all. Genders may not matter but if two people of the same gender get together because of a soulmate mark and feel like they can't be with someone the same gender as them, then that can cause a bond to break as well," says Dr. Reid.

     A girl raises her hand and asks, " if people of the same gender get together, can they have children like in the books?"

"Sadly, no. Soulmates don't change biological composition of males or females. Though there are fertility doctors with quirks that create children for same gender couples," said Dr. Reid.

Another girl raised her hand, "do you have to find your soulmate?" She asked.

"No you can live happily on your own without a soulmate. Now it's time for you guys to go back to class but I'll be in the library after school if there are anymore questions." Said Dr. Reid before he handed the microphone over to the principal.

I watched Dr. Reid leave before my teacher called my class head back to homeroom. I thought about all that he said and wondered about any questions.

That's the end for this chapter so if you guys have any questions about how the whole soulmate thing works then just leave it in the comments and I'll answer them in the next chapter!!!

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