Chapter 4

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*Hey guys. Thanks for reading!! :) Hope you enjoy. I'm going to try and make this one reallyyyyy good. oh and in the first chapter it says spring break and i meant to type fall break. I went back and changed it, but for all who are on this chapter I wanted to let you know! :) Keep reading! much love. xoxo.


I think I might have just run into the prettiest girl in the world. This girl is absolutely gorgeous.

“Uhh..uhh..Hi.” She chokes out. I guess she’s a fan. At least she isn’t screaming.

Even though I love our fans to death, they do get a bit loud.

“I’m sorry. I’m just shocked and unprepared to run into someone like all of you.” She says more understandable now. It’s so cute.

“We understand love.” Zayn says from behind me. “If I ran into myself I’d freak out. Hahaha. “

Him and the boys continue to laugh.

“I think it’s cute.” I say to her. Her face lights up and she blushes. Also very cute.

“Well, I am sorry again. Let me sit down so you can get to your seats.” She replies.

“Alright.” I say back.

I head to my seat which is conveniently located across from hers. Plus, it’s a long flight. I could get used to looking at her long, chocolate curls. I think I might like her hair better than Harry’s. Hahaha.


I’m sitting down freaking out. One, because I actually ran into one direction and Two, because Niall said I was cute. In a way, but still, I’m freaking out.

I notice someone standing up, so I look. It’s Niall. He comes to sit by me. What do I do?

“What is your name, love?” He asks nicely.

“Sydney, and yours?” I joke, trying to seem funny.

“Hahaha. My name is Niall, it’s a pleasure to meet you Sydney.” He says as he extends his hand.

I shake it.

I can’t believe I touched Niall’s hand. It was so warm and much bigger than mine.

“So what are you doing on a flight to Ireland?” He asks.

“I’m going to visit my best friend over fall break for the next two weeks.” I reply.

“What part?”

“Mullingar, actually. She moved there almost a year ago.”

“Wow. So you’re going exactly where I am. That’s awesome.”

“I guess. But I’ll probably get in so much trouble when I get home.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I’m not supposed to be here. I snuck away.” I told him, explaining the whole story.

“WOW. WE HAVE A REBEL ON THE PLANE!” Louis yells. He must have heard what I said.

“Louis!” All the boys hiss. They must all know you don’t yell things like that on a plane.

“Oh I’m sorry. NOT.” He replies.

“Anways.” Niall says. “It’s a long flight to Ireland, so you can hang out with the boys and I, if you’d like. I guarantee you want get bored.”

“That sounds like fun.” I say, agreeing.

“Alright, well come sit over here by us.” He says, pointing to their seats.

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