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It was already past 8 and Sun Mi still hasn't arrived.

I wonder where she is, maybe she's not feeling well? Or maybe she didn't want to see me after meeting yesterday?

I sighed and put my head down.

I looked up when I heard the door opened.

I frowned and went back to putting my head down.

I was taking a nap when our homeroom teacher spoke.

"I know this is sudden but one of your classmates won't be continuing their studies here."

I got up after hearing the news. I don't know why but i suddenly felt fear.

Scared of what? Is she talking about Sun Mi? Maybe she really hates me that much to suddenly just leave without notice?

I hate to admit it but I'd feel  bad if she really left because of me. I don't know exactly know why but this stinging sensation in my chest just kept on bugging me.

I sighed. I was lost in my thoughts when the door slid open revealing an exhausted Sun Mi who looked like she just finished a marathon.

"I-Im sorry 선생님 (teacher), I j-just ca-came fr-from the airport." she said in between breath.

I stared at her dumbstruck.

I thought she left, I though I would never see her again. I thought...

I got cut off my thoughts when her eyes suddenly met mine.

I looked away quickly feeling my face heating up.

The teacher asked her to take a seat which was beside me. I pretended to sleep as I heard the chair beside me move backward and forward.

I closed my eyes, a small smile forming on my lips.

Sun Mi

The class went on normally like any other day.

I glanced at Jimin who was still sleeping, his back facing me. I didn't realized I was staring too long when his position suddenly changed, his face now facing mine.

I got startled, quickly looking away.

I slowly turned my head taking a peak at him. His face was peacefully sleeping. Strands of brown hair falling right across his forehead leaving a gap in between.

His lips had a natural rosy pink color, his nose small, just perfect for his face, and his eye lashes long and curling up.

I gulped and looked away, my face heating up. I tried paying attention in class but the face of Jimin in my peripheral view was distracting me.

I noticed he moved a bit while groaning. I took a peak again, my eyes finding its way to his lips.

I quickly looked away with my heart beating so fast I can almost hear it.

'The f*ck Sun Mi, remember he's the guy who made you suffered.'

My mind tried to remind me of the bad things he has done but then what he said at library popped up.

I sighed.

"Maybe it wouldn't hurt giving him a chance." I mumbled paying back my attention to class.

~Break time~

It was already break time and Jimin was still sleeping which was odd. It has been 3 hours since he slept.

I checked on him and his face was in a shade of pink. His breathing was in an odd pace.

I ignored it thinking that maybe it was because he had been laying down in an uncomfortable position for too long.

After returning from the canteen, Jimin was still sleeping. This time he was covered in sweat.

I hesitated for a moment but managed to put my hand on his forehead.

My eyes widen after realizing what was happening.

I quickly put my hand away and got paper towels. I wiped his sweat slowly making sure he was dry.

I tried waking him up as gently as possible. It took 2 minutes for him to finally open his eyes.

He stared at me with tired eyes. He looked in pain which was weird because he is usually in a big up front always and seeing him in a fragile state is weird but somehow relieving.

Seeing a new side of Jimin somehow made me a bit happy.

"Jimin,can you stand up? You need to go to the infirmary." I quietly whispered.

"I'm fine. I just need a little more of sleep." He spoke with a soft voice.

I know that he's the type of guy who wants to always put up a tough look so I know he won't easily admit that he is sick. 

Knowing he won't agree with me, I just did what I needed to.

I slowly carried his arms and tried to make him stand up. It was tough because of the weight difference but I needed to help him.

He opened his eyes a bit and helped me by trying to stand up. I smiled and put his arm on my shoulder.

I supported him as we walk slowly out of the room.

Our classmates were staring at us and even some were whispering something to each other which obviously doesn't bring good.

As we reached the hallway, I glanced at Jimin who looked really weak. His temperature was beyond normal and it looked like he had trouble breathing. It almost made me pity him. I felt sorry a bit seeing him suffer  but it's nothing compared to the things he had done to us.

We arrived at the infirmary as I led him to the bed. The nurse wasn't there yet so I know I have to take care of him for a while. I grabbed a towel, soaked it in water and squeezed it out. I then got a cool patch for cooling down the fevers. I walked back to Jimin to see him sleeping. His  face was in pain while letting out faint groans. I first put the cooling patch on his forehead  then top it over with the towel. 

I was sitting on a chair beside the bed when I heard Jimin making small cries. I hid my phone and checked on him. His face showed pain and what surprised me was that tears were flowing out of his eyes. Without thinking, I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.

It looked like he was having a nightmare. A pain shot up my chest seeing him suffering more. 

I wiped his tears with my thumb and whispered, 

"It's going to be okay, I'm here." 


Hiiiiii guys. Merry Christmas. I know I have been busy lately and sorry for keeping you waiting as always but still I'm very thankful for your patience and support as always. I hope you continue to support me more now and in the future. Enjoy your Christmas :D MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR. See you again in 2020 :) Comment, Favorite and follow ♡

Park Jimin's Return (sequel to FSJ)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя