Ch. 7

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Finally I told Sun Mi the truth, although there's one thing I still can't tell her. I planned to tell her when the time is right.

I glanced at her and saw how happy she is.

I don't want to ruin that smile of her or our relationship so I decided to keep it.

I squeezed her hand making her look at me.

"What' wrong?" she asked worried.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

I reassured her with a smile so she nodded.

"By the way, let's go to that store first. I have to buy something for my parents so that they won't nag at me much." I smiled making her laugh.

We entered the jewelry store and I was looking at the rings and necklace section while she was just looking around.

After buying what I needed, we decided to have dinner.

We sat down at a table when a waiter approached and gave us the menu.

I was checking the menu when I felt Sun Mi tapping me.

"Uhhh...Mingyu. Are you sure you want to eat here? I mean we can always go somewhere." She smiled while looking ahead.

I smiled at her and held her hand.

"Sun Mi, don't worry. You won't need to spend a single money when you're with me. At least let me spoil you for a bit."

She bit her lip and looked unsure but then nodded.

We ordered and ate while talking about good times.

"So, what time will you be leaving tomorrow?" she asked.

"Hmmm...probably around 7:40 am. Why?"

She hummed as she stares at me.

"Let me go with you."

She suddenly blurted out making me choke my food.


She stared at me for awhile but then it seems it just started sinking on her. 

"Uhhh wait, that's not what I meant. What I mean is let me go with you to the airport. Uhhh...I want to at least see you off. Since class starts at 8, I just thought that maybe it would lessen you being worried for me." She said shyly.

My eyes softened as I held her hand one more time.

"I would love that. Thank you."

The whole night, we spent it on eating and taking our last strolls.

I checked the time and it was 9pm.

I told her that it was late so I walked her home.

After some silence of walking together, we finally arrived.

"Thank you Mingyu. I had a great time." she smiled and gave me a hug.

I hugged back while stroking her hair lightly.

"So, I'll meet you tomorrow at the airport?" I said after backing up.

She nodded as we bid each other goodbyes.

I watched her as she enters her house. I took out the small box form my pocket and clutched it tight.

"Good night Sun Mi."

~Next Day~

Sun Mi

I woke up on my alarm ringing. I groaned and turned it off. After turning it off, I stirred in my bed and went back to sleep.

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