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A/N: Sorry in advance if there are grammatical error, hope you enjoy reading  =^● ⋏ ●^=

Sun Mi 

The class ended and as we were fixing our things I felt someone tap me. I turned around to saw Taehyung with an apologetic look. My face softened seeing how his guilt was showing so much in his face. 

"uhhh...can I...have a bit of your time?" Taehyung asked.

I caught a glimpse of Jimin glancing at us making me laugh in my head. I turned to Jimin which made him jump a bit while looking away quickly. 

I smiled, "You can go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow." I said to Jimin. 

He was about to say something but just shrugged it off. He nodded and walked out of the room. 

"Let's go out." I told Taehyung after fixing my bag.

We walked to the hallway in complete silence. I noticed him fidgeting with his fingers as he walked with his face in a daze. 

'Looks like he changed so much compared to the time we were together. Although I'm not even sure if that's what you call dating.'

I was snap out of my thoughts when Taehyung spoke. 

"I'm  sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered. 

I looked up at him seeing his face in pain, his eyebrows furrowed and he was gritting his teeth. 

"I was wrong to act like that earlier...I just didn't like the idea of how Jimin was acting like he hasn't done wrong to you at all. Yo-you looked close so...I guess I..." 

Taehyung mumbled the last words making me miss what he said. I can see was more nervous than a while ago and It would be a lie if I said he doesn't look cute now. 

"I'm sorry I didn't hear what you last said." I tilted my head to get a better look at his face making him turn red. 

He flinched and started to panic. 

" je-jealous...a little..." 

I laughed seeing how I'm seeing an unusual side of him. It felt nice seeing him act like this since I feel like he's finally showing me sides of him he hasn't shown before. 

I smirked and thought of an idea. I feel bad doing this but seeing him react like this makes me want to tease him more. 

"Hmmmm...who was it again to suggest I keep on an eye Jimin?" I said pretending to think. 

"But!" he yelled suddenly surprising both of us. 

He pouted and sulked down. 

"It's not like I want you to hang out with him all the time....maybe...just from a far?" he mumbled. 

"Wouldn't that make me look like his stalker? Then, people would think I like him more. Do you prefer that?"

He looked surprised and opened his mouth to say something but just sighed. 

"I don't want that." he said still sulking. 

I was holding myself from cracking up seeing how looked like a kid who's candy just got stolen. 

"Don't worry about me. I'm perfectly fine and to be honest, Jimin is really changing into a better person already. Isn't that a good progress? To tell the truth, when he first apologized to me, I didn't think he was sincere but as more time we hang out together, I can see how much he's changed. I would really like to help him continue going in the right path, so you have nothing to worry about him hurting me. Okay?"

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