Overworking & Heartfelt

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AN: I'm formatting this a bit different. I'll have the author's note and such on top and have the rest of the story afterward. Hope you don't mind. 
Preview Picture: https://twitter.com/ayaka_s/status/819660122418974722?s=21
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—Overworking & Heartfelt—

It was around two in the morning, the moon shined down through the windows of the London apartment. Clutters of books and pages fell upon the couch and table as the raven began dozing off. She was assigned to research about specific magic that was relatively new after having that time off she was reluctantly forced to take. The raven had to apologize to her senior for the attitude she had displayed that past week. Her punishment was that very assignment.

It has been three days without sleep since she had been working on that assignment. Her Celtic complained that she hasn't been going to bed with him despite her task deadline coming up soon. He groaned not able to feel her graceful touch upon his body and the patterned heavings of her chest. He would gladly stop her from whatever she was doing... if only it did not have any repercussion. He knew that if he were to stop her, she would have a fit about not able to let her finish the work that was given to her.

He sighed as he leaned onto the doorframe of their room. He was looking straight at his beloved who slouched on the couch with nothing but cluttered pages all around her. 'This has gone too far. I'll teach that sorry ass of a senior later about keeping my princess up at night.' He walked over to the raven and wrapped his arms around her legs and back. This stirred her awake, as she quietly mumbled.

"Cú... Don't pick me up... I still... have..." She covered her mouth as she yawned. "Not anymore, Yuuki. Come on now, you need to relax and rest up. Continue it tomorrow, would ya?" She shook her head in denial as she tried to get out of his grasp. "Mngh... Cú..." She weakly whined as his grip only tightened.

"To bed now, Yuuki." His strength was not as high as compared to his other selves but it was still just enough for her to eventually give up on struggling. "Fineeee......." Her body soon relaxed as he held her close to his bare chest. He lightly kissed her temple as she mumbled. "Good girl." He easily maneuvered around the books and pages before entering into the bedroom.

He placed her down onto the bed as he turned around towards the drawers. She plopped right onto the bed, soon fast asleep. As the Celtic grabbed a pair of fresh pajamas for her to wear, he saw her on her back lightly breathing. "Princess..." He muttered under his breath, bringing the clothes to the bed. He crawled on top of the bed and sat next to her, whispering into her ear. "If you don't change out of your current clothes, I'm going to do that for you."

She instantly sat up and held her set of new clothes close to her chest. "I-I'm awake now..!" The raven quickly got up and dashed to the bathroom as she heard the male chuckle. 'That works somehow. Maybe I should actually change her the next time she's this exhausted.' He dematerialized his upper armor as he laid on his side with his arm prompting his head on top.

'Ever since I arrived, everything seems a bit different. She completely moved out of that city to here... not that I don't mind. The place she owns now is a bit larger and it even has a balcony. But being here caused her to be extremely busy. What happened while I was gone?' The raven returned with a slightly loose tank top and long pants, her face quite flushed. "Mo ridire..."

He smirked as he shortly whistled. "You look rather comfortable in that, wouldn't you agree?" She climbed onto the bed, swiftly pulling the covers over herself until it reached her neck. "Why did you choose these for me to wear...?" He slipped into the covers, pulling her close to his care chest. "All you wore were clothes that completely cover you. I can't touch my precious princess with those in the way."

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