Action and Battle

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Nick gets to the room as fast as he could he can see 6 people coming out of the floor. "What's you doing down there?" Nick asked. "That's why I called you here" Perry said. "They came from that bathroom" Perry said."impossible it's been sealed off past the arena for so long." Nick said. "Well apparently there's doors there now" Jenny said. "What?!?" Nick and Perry said confused. "Yes doors. We have the keys to prove it. And below from where we just came from is a dueling club room under the castle" Billy said. "Ok let's go check it out ". Perry said. "No stay here I don't want to lose you again" Nick said. "How about you stay this time babe. It's time a woman took over the search for once." Perry said retaliating. "I guess just this once. It's ok." Nick said.

They head to the bathroom through the doors which Jenny's the rest of the group past now since there might have Beene up behind the door. "We went left. How about right?" Scatty asked. "Have t been there yet" Corey said. So they go left and see an open door. "Who" said Billy. "Shhhh" said Blaze. "Sorry" Said Billy.

They see a shadow up ahead. "Well..Well...well If it isn't my old friend Perry. How you been haven't seen you in what like 20 years. How ma the family. How's the friends. Oh right they are still dead." Said the man "no they aren't dead apparently they came back as well Dee. And might I'd ask how you are back as well. I thought I've been smelling rotten eggs at Hogwarts." Perry said. " wait so your telling me that when I had help coming back alive that your friends also came alive. Oh this is too good. And apparently it brought back you know who as well. But he's not here right now but I do have 2 friends of mine. One helped me come back the other is her brother." Said Dee. "I'd like you to meet Röse and Oliver"

Two students came out from behind Dee and looked evil. "Well if it isn't the Newman kids, Jenny, Corey, Blaze, Eli and Professor Perry." Röse said. "Why are you doing this Röse you don't even know this man." Jenny said. "Oh yes I do. You see Dee is a important member to me and my brother but I'll let you put it together next year." Röse said. "Ok so are we just going to duel?" Billy asked. "Yes. Let's go to the dueling room we found" Scatty said.

They left the room and it was now a 3 v 3 duel in the dueling room. "So who's going to face who?" Jenny asked. "Well I need to take on Dee you are not strong enough yet. Not to offend you but first years it's a challenge. So I suggest Jenny takes on Oliver and Billy takes on Röse." Perry said. "What about is 4 then." Eli asked. "Well if either of us need to tag out you can fill in" Perry said. "Works for me." Eli said.

Light fills the room as the duel begins. Spells coming left and right on each battle. It's truly memorizing what spells are being cast.(same spells used in every duel it's hard to spell all of them just imagine a lot of them quick fired).

"Woah. What's happening Perry" Jenny asked as hers and Oliver's connected. "Yeah same here" asked Billy as his connected with Röse. "I'll tell you in a minute let me finish Dee" Perry said. Struggling to fight as Dee seems to be a little stronger then she thought. Nick comes down and steps in for Perry. "See what i Said i knew you couldn't handle it." Nick said. "Well I had it Handelns till you got here correct so it was Handelns just not now." Perry said. "Right. So your telling me that you could've won against Dee." Nick said. "Yeah" said Perry "that's a.." Nick said before being interrupted "just shut up and battle. You fight like an old married couple." Blaze said. Perry gave him a look a d turned away. "Why she do that" Blazed asked. "Because she is actually old and so is Nick. Nick is 689 years old" Scatty said. They are shook and can't believe he looks so young for that age.

As Dee runs away from losing he brings the students with him and says "This isn't over I have more up my sleeve. You'll see."

As they leave the cave and head out of the bathroom we see Headmistress McGonagall standing outside the cave. "What is the meaning of this. I was hearing sounds below me as I was doing my rounds so I decided to investigate. I saw some flashes from down in the cave so I decided to wait" she said. "Well let me explain Headmistress. You see Dee is somehow back. Which would explain the bowler cap at the meeting." Nick said. "You see Headmistress the three of us wanted to hid from the earthquakes. (We were coming from class" so we looked in the cave. And found 3 students who were stuck down here for a day. And we walked back and we found ourselves in Perry's classroom." Jenny said.

"Ok I believe you the caves are a maze. Just promise me you won't be like the Newman twins. Not those ones the ones who graduated 20 years ago." McGonagall said. "150 points will be awarded to each of you for your bravery and help from a Professor. At least you had supervision unlike Mr. Potter." "Thank you so much" they said. "Your welcome now go get packed the train leaves tomorrow and you don't want to miss the feast." McGonagall said.

They all left and McGonagall put a force field around the cave so only people can get in and nothing can get out for now. She leaves with a smile on her face.

Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel 2 : More Chaos Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя