The Sorting and New Friends

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At the top of the steps everyone is so nervous about what house they will be in. Scorpius is talking with Albus who he became friends with on the train. We see Rōse Weasley with them as well. As we see the Newman's Röse, Oscar and Rose come up the stairs. "So this is what the inside of Hogwarts looks like in person" said Billy Newman. "Yeah sad to think that a battle happened here only 20 years ago." said Röse. "Just think of the history of the steps you are on". As they were talking the new assistant headmaster walked in. "Nick??" Scatty Newman said. "Yeah. Follow me into the Great Hall we are ready for you to be sorted." Nick said." As they walked into the Great Hall they also saw Perry. She was the new Transfiguration professor. Then they saw Mac. He was the potions teacher. "Now there's an empty seat. Who is teaching potions??" Billy Newman asked. "No clue but we know pretty much all the professors. They won't go easy on us since we know them you know." Scatty Newman said.
Then 2 professors walked in. One was Niten. He was the potions teacher. "But I thought our parents said he was Care for magical creatures" Scatty Newman said. "I think they weren't sure" Rose said. Then the other professor sat down. It was Newt. "D..Dad" Rose said.
Newt was the Care for Magical Creatures Professor. "Makes since if you ask me" said Oscar. "He is good with creatures."

Nick started reading names off of the scroll.
Eli was first. The hat said Ravenclaw
Corey was sent to Gryffindor
Jenny was put in Ravenclaw
Blaze was put in Gryffindor
Noah was put in Hufflepuff
Jeromy was put in Ravenclaw
EJ was put in Hufflepuff
Deb was put in Hufflepuff
Tyler was put in Hufflepuff
Jack was put in Slytherin
Scatty was put in Ravenclaw
Billy was put in Ravenclaw
Rose was put in Hufflepuff
Albus was put into Slytherin
Scorpius was put into Slytherin
Röse was put in Slytherin
Oscar was put in Slytherin
Mary was put in Ravenclaw
Motto was last and put in Gryffindor
McGonagall being the headmistress gave her speech to the first years. "Remember Hogwarts if your home now" said McGonagall. "Your prefects will lead you to your dorms. You will be safe as there is no known danger this year at Hogwarts."

As they all departed Billy told Scatty something hoping that she would help him. "Hey I think I'm in love" Billy said. "Oh yeah with who" Scatty said. Billy points to Jenny. "You and Jenny ja you don't stand a chance" Scatty said.
"Hey man don't let your sister get to you. Let your heart decide and just go for it" said Jeromy. "Oh please he needs to be practically perfect in every way to date her" said Mary. "Wait why are you here. Didn't you already come here" asked Jenny. "Ah yes but no not really I wanted to prove that I actually go here so I can practice for my next nanny visit. And yes I look 11 but I'm older then you think. I'm just happy they let me in." Mary said. "Well they let assistant headmaster Nick in 20 years ago with his wife and Newt 17 years ago." said Scatty. Billy in the meantime was asking Jenny's older sister about her. And she did promise not to tell her about a crush.

The Gryffindors just talked about themselves on the way up to their dorm still with the fat lady. (More details later in the story on these characters)

The Hufflepuffs were just happy to be here. (More on them later as well.)

And Albus and Scorpius went off from the pact and were not seen for a long time but the others made it to the dorm.

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