The Others

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With classes happening not much has really been happening. With Christmas break in one month it seemed quiet at Hogwarts for once. On Friday night Buck does his rounds and sees the red hair again. He yells "STOP" and chases after the hair. He catches up mostly and can see her back. She quickly turns around not noticing Nick and turns back around and runs more. Nick still thinks it's Scatty (the original). She is still running with Nick right behind then Nick gets a scent of burnt leaves. He can't think about that now he is focused on the red hair. A few minutes later the girl trips and can't move. Nick catches up and can't believe his eyes.

"Scatty it's you why would you run from an old friend" asked Nick. "I could tell it was you after all it's been what like 5 years." Scatty said. "Try 20."said Nick. "Well where did I go I was always with you wasn't I" Scatty asked. "No you were here for 20 years in the same place you always were." Nick said. "So how am I here now" I'm not sure but I'm sure I can talk to McGonagall to see if you can finish you seventh year next year being we are a month from Christmas." Nick said. "Thanks" said Scatty. "No problem now follow me I smell burnt leaves and we gotta follow it. I also smell musk with it and another scent." Nick said. They followed the scent down to the boat house and they see Germaine, Billy, and Virginia. Scatty now filled in on everything is also confused on why they are back as well.

"We were here for like a month at least Hagrid gave is some food." Germain said. "Hagrid is still here?" Nick asked "yeah well as Newts assistant for his first year teaching but he still lives in his but and visits here every day" Virginia said. "Really well that explains why you stayed but you were all dead how did you come back?" Asked Nick. "Well we don't really know we just found each other met here and did what we had to if you know what I mean. Coming back ain't fun if your dead" Scatty said. "Oh I get you not going to discuss that but you'll run into another Scatty and Billy don't work about it. They are the Newman's children. They named them after you for dying heroically at the battle." Nick said. "That's so nice" they all said.

Christmas break came and gone and nothing really happened. Just normal stuff since it's been quiet this year at Hogwarts.

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