What is This?

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Nick picks himself back up and heads to the great hall where the meeting is happening. "So what have we found out" Nick asked a roving a bit late. "We have found this Nick" said Perry. Perry puts a bowler cap on the table. "Dee? But fees been dead for 20 years" Nick said. "I know but maybe no one picked it up in those years or he is back." Niten said. "I also found this in the potions room" Niten puts Greyson white hairs on the table. "Who's are those honey" Aofie asked. "I don't know maybe someone would know here" Niten said. "Well maybe we will find out soon" McGonagall said.

Nick then remembers he had stones. He pulls them out and places them on the table. "I found theses when I ran into someone in the courtyard where we had the battle Perry." Nick said. "A man told me to not take them so I switched them out for other ones and he hasn't noticed yet. He said he would kill me if I took them." "Well they are important they are special stones who knows can do amazing things" McGonagall said. "Like what" Nick asked. "Well o don't know have you seen anything odd in the past few days or weeks." McGonagall asked. Nick remembers seeing old friends. "Yes I saw some old friends who I known to be dead." Nick said. McGonagall gave Nick a stare and a nod. "You mean they are here because of these stones. But I can't be. Stones can't do that" Nick said. "Well you haven't seen this done before. Where I have seen it done before a long long time ago." McGonagall said.

As Easter came closer the castle was now worried about what was happening after the earthquake a few weeks ago. Something big was happening. We come to see Jenny, Scatty, and Billy in the bathroom. "So what do you think is happening. I mean it had been 20 years since a battle and 7 years since the school opened. It's been quiet why now has it awakened?" Billy asked. "I'm not sure maybe we can look around" Jenny said. "Yeah and get caught" Scatty said. "Well your parents and parents friends were never really caught. Have you read their book?" Jenny asked. "No I haven't whats it called?" Billy asked. "Well it's called Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel" Jenny said. "Well yeah I read it but they were caught a few times but it was in the bathroom we are in." Billy said. "Maybe there's a clue in here to help us get started.

They look around and find nothing. They go into the cave/dojo/practice area (it looks like a dojo but it isn't). "But it was never this long before" Scatty said. "Last time we were here it was smaller." "Yeah it definitely was." Billy said. "Lumos" Jenny said. With the light shining ahead and Billy and Scatty following Jenny they head deeper and deeper into the cave. They find a mysterious piece of gold on the ground and another. "Reparo" Jenny said and the gold reformed into a key. "Shine your light ahead Jenny" Billy asked. Jenny does and there's a door there. "What??!?!" They all said. "There was never a door here." "So who wants to unlock it" Billy asks. No one answered. "Well I have to hold the light for you hun." Jenny said. Billy looked at Scatty. "Well I don't want to I think you should brave boy." Scatty said. "Fine." Billy is handed the key from Jenny and goes up to the door. "Hey Jenny know any blocking spells to put behind it's so if it is anything bad it won't be let loose in the castle" Billy asked. "Yes I do." Jenny said. So Jenny used a spell and made sure nothing could get out. She tested a pebble and if didn't go through. "Only we can get through I made sure of that." Jenny said. "Thanks you really are the smartest witch of the age. Close to Hermione." Billy said. "That's why I love you." "Ok can we move the story on now" Scatty said. "Sure sorry just wanted another love moment" Billy said. "I don't know what it is but you remind me of another twin duo. Josh and Sophie from the Kane Chronicals" Jenny said. "I can see it" they both said.

So Billy puts the key into the door and it opens up. It swings wide open and we see a figure standing there. Wait my bad two figures yeah definitely two. They get closer and are frozen in shock.

Harry Potter and the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel 2 : More Chaos Where stories live. Discover now