Mysterious Happenings

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With the first week of classes over everyone has learned some spells, potions, and how to mount a broom. No accidents with the brooms this time. But Nick the assistant headmaster did feel some strange presences so far. Most importantly when he did his rounds on his side of the castle he swore he could smell rotten eggs. "Maybe it stained all my clothes with the smell" he wondered. "I also smell a hint of burnt leaves and a small trace of cayenne." He said. Just as he said that he got a small trace of musk and he could've sworn he saw red hair in the distance. He thinks it's Aoife but he just came from the professors dorm and she was in there there's no way. He wonderd.

Nick decided to go look about to see if he could find anything. As he was walking he tripped over what looked like a rock. He examines it. It was a stone of special power. He looks around some more and finds all the stones in the area. He stops as he hears footsteps getting close very fast. "Don't...move....another......step" said a voice Nick has never heard before. "Listen to me and you won't get harmed. Drop the stones or die." Nick dropped them by his side just in case he has to run away. "Who are you and what's so great about stones?" Nick asked "Well all will be revealed later but I can tell you have been witnessing some things that happened tonight." The man continued. "YES I SWORE..." Nick said before he could finish. "Don't swear it's not nice" the man said as he swears under his breath. "As I was saying. I SWORE I SAW SOME OLD FRIENDS OF MINE THAT SHOULD BE DEAD. IM NOT CRAZY I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT!!!!!" Nick said.

"Oh I don't think you are maybe you just miss them" the man said. "Well it's been 20 years how can I still miss them. Nick said. "I don't know. Maybe it's just your heart saying I miss them. It happens sometimes." The man said. "Welp I gotta go. Make sure to put the stones back or you'll be dead next. (Mean)Ok goodbye (happy) said the man. He disappears and Nick decides to find identical stones to replace the old ones. The next morning. Saturday.
Scatty Newman and Billy Newman decide to hit the bathroom and discover the bathroom that was used 20 years ago and it still stinks of rotten eggs. But it's not as bad as it was 20 years ago. It's survivable but for how long. They look around and there's a tunnel that's still open. They walk in until they are under a light. They could smell some scents that aren't normal for a school so they get suspicious. Meanwhile outside Grindelwald is at the meeting place and finds Dee. "It's been so long since we seen each other and I'm sorry you lost the battle. But I'm here this time and I know you won't lose." Grindelwald said. "And who's that behind you?" "Oh that is he who shall not be named. He was destroyed as well. Now he's with us. So he won't be recognized." Dee said. "Oh shit play twist" Grindelwald said.

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