"Oh... right." Still shocked to process her words, you hesitated before accepting her gift and set it on the nearby table. "This is rare... I really don't know what to say, except...thank you! I appreciate your apologies, really."

"Then I can go home with a clean conscience." Avery smiled weakly, nodding as she tucked a lock of brunette behind her ear. "You and Itachi really are a destined couple, and I guess I just couldn't learn to accept that."

You hated it, but you began to feel a great amount of pity for this mess of a person. Slowly, you felt every wall tumbling as you merely stared in a daze. The real Avery stood before you, smiling normally, naturally, and speaking in a manner that stirred you with sympathy.

As Avery began to spin around, she stole one last glance at your wedding dress hanging next to the full length mirror. She smiled wider and glanced over her shoulder at you. "I really meant it when I said you look beautiful. That dress is going to radiate you even more." Giggling, she picked up her bag, threw it over her shoulder and threw a peace sign at you, just like the old Avery would. "I wish you and Itachi forever happiness. I really mean that too."

"Avery..." your weakly mumbled and your hands twitched as you almost reached out for her, but instead curl them at your sides. I don't want...

"Anyway, I'll take my leave now," she announced on her way to the door. "I won't be bothering you ever again."

You sorry bitch.

"Avery, wait!" You grabbed her wrist and stop her in time. Her other hand froze half-way to reach the doorknob when she looked back at you.

"What, did I forget something?"

"You did," you nodded, locking sight into her hazel irises. This is forgiveness after all. "I said I would welcome you back with open arms, didn't I? So allow me to comply with my promise."

"You accepting my apology is enough, [Name]. Nothing else beats that."

"You're saying that seeing me get married isn't top notch?"

Avery blinked her wide eyes. "I, uh, wasn't expecting to be invited."

"You weren't-not in those clothes you're not."

"Heh? What's wrong with my outfit?"

"Plain," you deadpanned and point down for Avery to inspect her outfit: light-washed jeans, a plain black T-shirt and flats.

"Well sorry my wardrobe isn't to your liking," she sassed, "but I didn't bring any extra clothes."

"I'll lend you a dress!"

"Wha-? [Name], I have to fly back home at 4PM," Avery snickers to your stubborn grip. "I can't stay, as much as I'd love to."

"Then just stay for the ceremony; it's in two hours," you protest before dashing across the room. Quickly digging through your luggage, you pull out a flowy, red halter dress and rush back to hand it to her. "I brought this as a back-up to wear at the reception, but I rather see you wear it. Take it."

Avery sighed heavily...and snatched the dress, giving in to your persistence. "Fine... Geez, your bossy nature never changed."

You both share a quiet stare-down, interchanging a small laugh (laughing at the shared immaturity) before sharing an unexpected hug; a way to erase the past, to start over again and move on with your new life without leftover grudges or regrets.

"And another congratulations," Avery whispered and you tilt your head. She pulled away, lowering her head with a smile on her bold lips. "That belly really suits you, [Name]."

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