"It's Rosalind's choice." Claire speaks up, "Go on." She grins at the still blushing blonde across the way.

Rosalind shifts in her seat, looking around the campfire before her eyes land curiously on Emerson, "Emerson." She says calmly, "You hardly speak, I'd like to hear what you'd have to say."

"Uh...no I'm okay." He holds up his hand with a chuckle.

Claire nudges him, "Go ahead, Em." He looks at her with subtly wide and declining eyes as she looks back with a stubborn smirk.

"Fine." He sighs, "Uh...well, once when I was three, I swallowed a Lego and had to get it surgically removed when I was four. I've been cliff jumping and...I used to want to be a pilot." His heart pounds.

"You're so boring, you couldn't think of anything juicier?" Alex asks with a laugh before Rhyme elbows him in the stomach, effectively shutting him up, giving him a warning look.

"Well I for one don't ever remember you telling me about swallowing a Lego." Claire raises her thin brows, giving him a soft smile.

"You're not cool enough to be a pilot." Alex smirks.

"Agreed." Isaac chuckles smartly, earning a joking glare from Emerson.

Once Gwen and Rhyme agree with Claire, all eyes are on Rosalind for the last guess. She looks around, confused. "Why hasn't anyone guessed cliff jumping? No offense, Emerson, but you don't seem like the adrenaline junky type." She laughs lightly.

"None taken." He mumbles, "Is that your guess?"

"It is indeed." She nods once, taking a drink from a plastic water bottle, "So what's the lie?"

He looks at her, a boldness alight in her eyes a he says, "I've always hated flying. Being a pilot was my worst nightmare. My real friends should have known that." He looks pointedly at Rhyme, Gwen, and Claire with a teasing sneer.

"Hey!" Claire laughs loudly, shoving him slightly.

"When have you been cliff jumping?" Rosalind asks, clearly shocked, before her interest peaks, "I had no idea you were so adventurous."

"I'm not." He clears his throat, "Rhyme, you're next." Quickly changing the subject, Emerson looks away.

"This will be good." Alex laughs loudly as Emerson's eyes set themselves on the orange and blue hot flames licking at the edges of the wood, memories tossing around his mind like a game of soccer. Only he feels as if he's the ball being kicked over and over until finally being entangled in a net of defeat.

Being so consumed in his own thoughts, he doesn't notice the pair of eyes that watch him curiously. Waiting for a moment where she might better understand him and his diverse ways. When she may know the true nature behind his constant reign and control.

ⅼ ❝ a moment is simply a moment until you choose to make it a fond memory. ❞ ⅼ

Once the fire has dimmed, stories have been told, laughter has died down, and the snack supply has run dry, Emerson's eyelids begin to grow heavy. He fights the exhaustion as he examines everyone's awake expressions.

"I'm bored." Gwen announces as she lays her head upon Isaac's shoulder, his fingers drawling circles on her arm.

"Well then make a suggestion." Alex rolls his eyes, "We're all dying to hear your grand ideas." He mumbles dryly.

"Shut up you dolt." Gwen scoffs, "But since you insist, I vouch that we go swimming. Did you bring those glow sticks, Rosalind?" She grins.

"I sure did." She replies, leaning over to reach into the bag at her feet before coming up with a plastic pouch and ripping it open.

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