Painful Start

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Ugh, I have to finish chapter three thanks to my sister. A few shout outs! Thank you to all the people who vote, like, comment, and view this story. Thank you to my youngest sister for encouraging me to write this. Thank you to my best friend who likes Wibli, but not as much as me. Finally, thank you Tui T Sutherland for coming up with these amazing books. Next, I do NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS TUI DOES. Next, THIS IS A GAY SHIP, GET OVER IT!!  Remember constructive criticism only. Winter point of view.

I scrambled. I don't know what Qibli is going through.

"What is happening?" I shout. The screams pierce my ears and my heart. I feel incredibly useless. I try to stop my panic and then I can help Qibli calm down. I do heavy breaths until I call down. "Qibli, try to breathe in and out with my breaths." Qibli nods his head in between his ear piercing screams. His breaths matched mine and his screams started to stop.

"My transformation hurts. It hurts. The cramps won't stop," Qibli whimpers. His eyes are all welled up. I wrap my wings and arms around him. I put his head into my shoulders.

"Cry into my shoulders." It hurts my heart that I can not do anything in this moment of time. I see the pain of his transformation and all I can do is sit here and watch. What am I doing that will benefit him in any way? Is this helping him?

"Winter, thank you." The smallest whisper comes out of Qibli. "Thank you. The pain is stopped for now." I lift his head up and brush my lips on to his. His hot mouth against my cold mouth assures me that nothing will stop us. I remind myself as long as I am there for him, nothing bad will happen between us.  He pulls away. He gives me that crooked grin, the one that made me fall in love with him.

"I will always be there for you, no matter what," I state with a lack of confidence. I look into his eyes just to see his pain. A tinge in my heart happens and I realize I will never be able to help him. I look at my claws, fearful and doubting my decision of commitment.

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