Silver Lace (13)

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My eyes scanned the darkness of the hallway, desperate to find him, but with no avail. With a deep breath, I lunged myself into the kitchen, trying to ignore the niggling smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke in a disgusting mix. Still, Luke could not be found. The main room of the house, which was severly overcrowded with many new people who I was sure I did not recognise being here before. I scanned every inch of the room looking for him but he wasn't in there either, despite the fact that the girl who had attacked me, Abbie, i'm fairly confident she was called, was now relaxing and merging in with the crowd with still tear-stained cheeks. The searching process was becoming tedious rather quickly and I knew the only other place he could be was upstairs, as he could not have gotten outside the house without passing me. I subtly made my way up the staircase near the front door ready to search the other rooms that waited for me in silence. I opened the door to the master bedroom, no sound nor sight but the smooth billow of the curtains coming in from the balcony near the back of the room. I closed the door quietly, scared of disturbing the unnatural peace of the room. I opened the next door, and I found the bathroom, packed to the brim with girls re-applying make-up to their faces and making slight alterations to their clothes. With a roll of the eyes and a few judgemental glances in return, I pulled the door so it was slightly open. Again, ever so quietly I made my way to the final room, which by assumption, was the party host's bedroom. I opened the door a little and peeped round, unexplained fear creeping up inside me. When I saw Luke sitting near the bottom of the bed, gently stroking the bed cover, I opened the door fully and walked in to sit by him, closing the door as I did so.

He hand was most across the bed sheets, so I sat next time him where his hand had previously been. Fully acknowledging my presence, he looked up at me and smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. When he spoke, he spoke softly.

'You're bleeding' he said, genuine care in his voice.

'It's nothing, i'm fine' I said with a smile.

'I miss you so much' he said in a pleading tone.

'Well, you've learnt your lesson Luke'.

'I know I have, and know i've learnt why can't we go back to how things were before-'.

'I'm with Damon, Luke, and i'm not leaving him. He's special'.

'I was special'.

'Was, being the opperative word Luke'.

He paused for a while, and then with a resentful tone he said to me 'NO, I AM special, not WAS, AM. You're special, i'm special TOGETHER....WE....ARE.......SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!' he screamed  the last part to me, shoving me into the corner and fumbling with my clothes, trying to undress me.

I went to scream but I only managed a small one before his hand was covering my mouth and nose, and I began panting, gasping, having serious difficulty trying to catch my breath. My was pushing into my chest, trying to undress me still, one hand on my back, up my top, and one over my mouth. My sight was going blurry, patches appearing and disappearing before my eyes. Everything was slowing down and I felt like I was being dragged underwater, down into the darkness lurking below, waiting for me...........

Next thing, i'm rushed back to the surface, gasping for air is the water escapes my lungs. Only it's not water, it's just me being sick, the fear becoming to much, making me physically sick. I collapse of the floor, crying, choking, sobbing. I can hear yells, screams of pain and agony and then it's the bustle of voices and comforting arms around me shoulders. Edward is dragging me up, pulling me down the stairs. After trying to walk and failing, I feel Damon's supporting arm on my other side and they begin lifting me and carrying me along the concrete until we're outside of the garden, the feeling of the cold air a bitter yet welcomed contrast to the hot, sticky atmosphere of the room befo-. I begin to think about what happened just moments before and before I know it, i'm being sick again. I hear the sound of resistance and Luke is dragged out onto the street by two burling guys from the football team. With my hand clasped tightly around Edward's and my head nestled into Damon's chest, I watched as Luke was pushed futher and further down the street, further and further away from the house, further and further into the darkness, further and further away from us, me....

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