56. guns sittin under our petticoats

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"Hey baby." Kat slipped her arms around Matty's neck and hung there until he kissed her. He hummed into the kiss and swayed their bodies as if they were dancing.

"I missed you." He smiled, pulling his head back just far enough so he could see her whole face. He leant down and stuck out his tongue which she met with hers.

"You two are disgusting." George scrunched up his face from the sofa he was sat on in their room. Kat grinned over to him as Matty left loud kisses down her neck.

"I'm going to go and get ready with Tammy. I'll see you at dinner." She kissed him again before letting him go. He tapped her bum as she walked past him to grab her things.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit." He opened the door for her as she grabbed her clothes and make up bag.

"Okay, love you." She kissed his cheek as she walked past. "Love you George." She blew him a kiss and he pretended to catch it.

Kat bounced over to Tammy and Ross' room and knocked on the door. Ross opened it with a wide smile.

"Hey Kat. I was about to leave." Kat smiled as she looked into the room to see Tammy doing her make up and Angie turning in the mirror.

"You going to my room?" She asked, he nodded with his clothes in his hand. "Give Matty a kiss for me." She smiled cheekily. He laughed as he let her in the room.

"If you insist" he teased, she giggled as he waved goodbye to all of them.

"Okay girls, I'm behind. Can I use your bathroom to do my make up?" She asked as she hung up her outfit.

"Of course babe." Tammy called over to her. She looked at Angie and smiled, she was wearing a long slim black dress.

"You look beautiful sis" she called, Angie grinned to her through the mirror.

Kat set herself up in front of the mirror and started to do her make up. Angie came in just as she had finished her foundation.

"Did you see what George was wearing?" She asked, Kat shook her head and started to do her eyebrows. "Has he spoken to you about me?" She asked the real question she wanted to know the answer to.

"Yes." She answered as she drew over her eyebrows. Angie stood there patiently as if she was going to continue. "I don't want to get involved, Ang." Angie bit her lip impatiently.

"But I just need to know what he's thinking." She looked as if she were about to stamp her foot on the ground. Kat sighed, having messed up her eyebrow.

"Why don't you ask him? He's probably thinking the same thing." She pushed. Angie looked up to the ceiling and then leant against the wall.

"Kat, it's just weird between me and him. I really like him but like, he's so close with you. I don't know how comfortable I am with him telling you everything in our relationship." Kat's eyes widened slightly. She hadn't expected for her to be the problem.

"Okay." She said slowly. "So tell him that, I'm sure he'll stop telling me things." She concluded. Angie grunted.

"But then that gets in the way of your relationship." Kat slammed her hand down on the counter top, her patience was growing thin.

"We were friends before all he talked about was you, I'm sure we can be friends when he stops." She hissed. Angie got the message and nodded.

"Sorry." She said quietly and edged her way out of the bathroom.

Kat finished her makeup and put her outfit on. She wore long black trousers and a small red bandeau top with thin straps on. She was going to put a blazer on over the top since they were going to a fancy restaurant.

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