Chapter 23- Mall Trip

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Chapter 23- Mall Trip

Also the time you feel a sense of regret and anxiety.
Your pov-

"Please don't make me go."

"If you make me go with you, then you'll have to go with them."

"Hitoshi please, I don't even need anything!"

"I'll pick you up later!"

He shove me towards the rest of the group. Then he gave me a salute and ran off.

"Betrayel," I whisper.

"You okay (L/n)?"

I turned around and I'm faced with Iida. He looked a bit tired. His eyes were tinged ever so slightly with red.

"I should be asking you that. Your eyes are red. Why?"

He shook his head.

"Just stayed up a bit last night reading."

"I see. Let's go to the others. Ashido wants to see something."



"I want to go home."

"Not until you buy something for your future boyfriend!"

"Shut up. I'll go to the store over. I can buy him a cat plush and write a note."

Nothing here is really any good. Just a lot of stuff animals and plastic.

I started to walk away while she cried, "It has to be more romantic!"

Then why take me to a store?

I continue to look around as Ashido follows me. She kept putting things back where they were if she didn't find them acceptable.

"Hey, how about this music box? I can choose what song to put in it."

She looks at the pretty patterns on the box and squeals.

"It's so pretty! You know how to sing?"

"Yeah, Hitoshi says my voice calms him down and let's him sleep. So a... love song?"

Ashido looked about ready to explode. Her smile is so wide and her eyes shining.

"That's so cute!"

"I guess. You should go buy the things you'll need. I'll keep looking around."


She marched into the store right across from the one I'm currently in.

"Would he like it though? He could just think it's another gift. It wouldn't mean anything."

Why is this confessing ritual so difficult?

The government created love so they have more people to control and manipulate to do their work and waste money on expensive things.

I might need a note.

"Um, miss? Is there- uh, a-any um..."

"Sorry what was that?"

"Nevermind, sorry."

God I'm pathetic. I can't even ask if there are any sticky notes or stickers.

I don't even bother to look. All I do is pay for the box and a Pusheen plush I grabbed.

"I wish I didn't exist."

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