"That's nice to hear. Anyway, I've bought you some foods" she gave the foods that I bought to the kid. He accepted it with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you very much noona! Uhm.... may I ask about that other girl, noona?" the kid leaned near Yujin's ear. He's whispering something to Yujin and I'm just here, watching  as if I'm not existing infront of them.

"N- no. She's j- just a friend, Leo. You can call her noona too" Yujin said to the kid, ruining his hair while smiling. Uh?

"Hello noona hihi, I'm Leo" he waved his hand at me. He's too cute! (≧∇≦). "Hey Leo, I'm Minju and yeah you can call me noona" I pinched his cheek. He just giggled while still smiling uwu.

"Uhm Leo, I'll be back tomorrow okay? Don't mind about the schedule that I've told you. Tell your brother and sister that I'll treat you tomorrow so you should sleep well." Yujin patted Leo's head. He nodded and waved his hand at us. "Enjoy your day noonas" he said as he run fastly up until he turned into a corner and disappeared.

W- what was that?

After meeting Leo, we continued to walk in the street. I feel light after the foods that I've bought went into good hands. I guess I won't force Yujin to pay for her little debt.

"Yujin uhm..... about Leo, where are his parents?" I'm just curious about his family and for his parents, why would they let their child in a street?!

"His mother is dead, his father is a useless drunkard who always beats them up upon returning home from drinking and gambling" she explained.  Children like them shouldn't be treated that way, I feel bad for them.

We're somehow near towards our destination. We've been walking for around 20 minutes -,-

Yujin suddenly stopped from walking again and here I am, for the second time, bumped into her hard shoulders. "Yah Yujin don't just sto- - -

"Hey dude, it's the heiress" I heard someone talked infront of us. Yujin's tall and I have to peek to see who's talking. "Bastards" Yujin uttered, clenching her fists.

T- their logos. Four students from Summer are infront of us, 2 girls and 2 boys. W- what is happening?!

"Oh take it easy Miss Yujin. It's good to meet you accidentally, anyway, we're just going to ask for some favor and of course we already planned it eversince" the girl with a pink hair said. She looks like a goat, munching her bubble gum.

D- don't tell me I'm going to witness and participate a real battle? Oh no please don't.

"Stay back Minju" She whispered at me. I stay still behind her back, trying to hide from the chaos that will arrive.

"Spill it" Yujin answered bravely. Her voice isn't trembling, means that she's not afraid. Ohgod don't let me be dragged in here. I'm not as tough as Yujin, they might break my bones to pieces.

"We've been long - - -

"Just go directly to the point. Your wasting my time" she replied again.

This is getting worse ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ


Yujin's POV

Fxck, I know what they're asking for but I can't give it to them right now. Psh, badluck.

"Okay, okay. Your team defeated XCS and because of that, we like to test your group's strength but too bad, you're not with them" the girl continued. Dxmn I knew it, they just want to pick a fight. Students from Summer are brainless, just how brainless their heiress is.

If this girl isn't with me, I'll gladly fight them but I just can't leave Minju in here.

"What's the matter? Can't fight because your allies aren't here?" the boy at the side said. Dxmn you, I'll break your bones up until you can't be able to walk anymore.

"We'll settle this next time Summers. You have my word" I breathed in and out heavily while preventing myself not to throw a punch at them. "Psh, she's weak without the two hahaha" the girl beside the pink haired girl said. If only I can crush her bones right now, I would. "Or it might be she's protecting someone behind her hahaha" the boy in blue hair said. Dang you dimwits! I'm going to sew your fxcking mouths up. 

She's in my back, holding my uniform while trembling and I just can't fxcking ignore it. Dxmn Summers! I'm going to fight until death with y'all but not right now.

"Shut up! Get your asses off now! We'll settle it next time and I'll fight you without my allies. For now, just train hard so that if the time comes, you'll be able to beat me up just like how I beat your useless leaders" I can barely handle this. If they'll continue teasing me then I don't have a choice but to fight them in here.

"Okay, let's have a fight soon hahaha" they continued walking while still throwing some of their teasing faces at us. Dxmn I'm not going to forget your faces bastards.

"A- are they g-gone?" the girl behind me asked. She's acting tough earlier but when we encountered them, she almost crumpled my uniform from behind. " Yes, they're go- -

"T- thank you for not fighting with them" she bowed her head again and again at me. Fxck, she's really weird haha.

I won't fight them if a weakling is around since they're going to treat you as my weakness and besides, I held back for it was number 7.


A/N: Thank you for waiting for this update 💜. Should I make this story a bit longer? Hmm. Anyways, thank you very much for supporting this story ❤

Bubblyehet 💜

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