Rise!Donnie X Rise!April- So this is love

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Requested by Infinity_Jaune603

Rise Donnie x April

Where Donnie is confuse of why his feeling weird whenever April is around (y'know the symptom of love), and he is trying to figure it out until one of his brothers just bluntly told him his condition. And he told April about.



What is love ?

According to the dictionary , love is

an intense feeling of deep affection

a great interest and pleasure in something

and feel deep affection or sexual love for someone.

There's different kind of love and our genius turtle are familiar with these .....except for one.

Romantic Love

The genius turtle never really have interest in love , maybe just small cartoon crushes but not real life love. Though recently , there are something or someone that have been bothering him. Donnie been getting this weird feelings when he spend time with them and he just couldn't figure it out what it is.

" Why am I feeling this whenever I am around April ? These....symptoms , what does it mean ? " Donnie murmurs to himself as he wrote down the feelings he been feeling around the girl. He decided to go through one by one. 

1st Symptoms - Being conscious about his behavior

Donnie is usually super confident about his invention and is very full of himself but when it come to showing April about his invention or even his looks , he somehow start to get worried. He tend to have the thought of triple checking if it will work or is it that extraordinary or does his breathe smell . Oh is literally a whole new self-conscious thought for him.

2nd Symptoms - Keep catching himself looking for April and thinking about her

Somehow , he found his gaze keep going to April. Whenever he is or wherever he is , his eyes somehow would start searching for her and when he does found her , he would smile. He caught himself doing that countless time and he find it super weird. The constant checking his phone for April's text , the thought of telling April for good news or bad news , the need of wanting to spend more time with her , it make him hard to focus but at the same time , he doesn't seem to fine and decided to brush it off as nothing , thinking it is probably cause she is his good friend.

3rd Symptoms - Heart rate went up , face heat up  

Whenever the purple turtle look at April or just hearing her voice , his heart would skip a beat and start beating so fast that he thought he probably got a heart attack , whenever he see the African American girl giggles , laugh or just simply smile . His heart beat so loud that the world probably can hear it , his face start blushing almost as red as Raph's mask and the butterflies in his stomach . Is he getting sick ? No , no , he have been a healthy turtle but probably double check his temperature just in case. I mean , constant blushing and heart rate went up ? Is he catching a cold ?

4th Symptoms - Jealousy

Whenever April spend time with his brothers , he felt a pain in his heart and annoyed. Sure she can be friends with his brothers but he just somehow wanted to be the only one that make her laugh , he somehow doesn't like it when Leo told a joke that make April laugh , or how Raph hugs April , or even when April enjoys Mikey's cooking. He thinks is weird how he thinks that way . They are friends after all and those dumb dumb are his brothers , why would he felt that way ? Is it cause April is his best friend and he doesn't like to share ? Probably ? Maybe ??

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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