Knight of Converse - Chapter twenty three

Start from the beginning

“Hey,” I started.

“You’re avoiding me?”

“No! Why would I be?”

“You think just because… dammit Sol, we’ve known each other for years. Whatever this is,” he held his hands up, “It’s not cancelled out our friendship.”

I bit my lip, guilt eating away at me. “I thought you were mad at me.”

“I am.”


“And Sol, I don’t want this awkwardness! It’s driving me up crazy. So stop it, yeah? Don’t make this something it doesn’t have to be.”

He looked so sincere and exasperated, I couldn’t help but agree. I was making it awkward, when it didn’t have to be. Danny was so easy to be with, it broke my heart that things couldn’t be different.

“You’re right. I shouldn’t… I just…”

“Dance with me,” he said, just as the music changed to a slow paced song. I sceptically looked at his hand. “C’mon, we can be civil here, right now, at prom right? Whatever’s going on between us can wait. Tonight I just want to dance with the girl I love, is that okay with you?”

I couldn’t say no to the way his eyes smouldered into mine. I couldn’t say no to his honest, brazen approach. My heart panged strangely, I cleared my throat and smirked. “I’m great with civil.”

“Yeah, the war kind.” Danny grinned before pulling me onto the dance floor.

He wrapped his arms securely around my waist, and I did the same and hugged him closer. I knew it wasn’t fair. I just needed to hold him, for a second. I felt the bubble in my chest expanding. My stomach tingled with butterflies at the thought of leaving him, forever. No matter how I felt about Duran, Danny was an important part of my life. He was always more than a boyfriend, he was my best-friend.

“See? This isn’t too bad,” he joked.

I pulled my head away. “I guess not. I mean I’m the better dancer between us so…”

He snorted. “Yeah, right.”

“I am!”

He pulled me closer, expression becoming more serious. “I love you.”

“Stop it, Danny.”

“It’s true, I’m just saying.”

“I thought you didn’t want to make this awkward?”

“I don’t feel awkward admitting how I feel to you, not at all. I love you, Sol.”

The tingling in my hands increased, and began to spread up my arms and all over my body. Something was happening. Another zap of lightening and roar of thunder rang outside. The wind picked up wildly. Students began to look worried. I felt an icy chill around my feet and looked down to see that an ominous fog had begun to seep into the dimly lit hall.

“Danny, I can’t right now,” I started to look around the hall for Duran, unable to spot him. The fog was magical, my heartbeat started to accelerate and my head started to spin.

“Look at me at least, Sol, come on!”

“Not…” I took a few steps back, where was Misty?


Something felt off when I tried to sense her. I quickly found Duran still with Kellie in the distance. It had begun. It was already time, I knew it. “I’m sorry, I just—I can’t, I’ve gotta go.” I quickly stalked in Duran’s direction, wincing at how bad this might have looked to Danny. But there were more important matters at hand. I couldn’t sense Misty at all.

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