Chapter 4

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"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston S. Churchill

Sofia's POV

"Thank you for visiting us, ma'am." I greeted cheerfully.

It was a sunday morning. I work at a coffee shop at weekends. I get decent salary to help my mom paying off the bills. It was weekend so the shop was bustling with couples, students and so on. I was serving the customers their desired drinks and snacks.

"Sofia! please take the cold coffee  to table no.5!" A colleague of mine said in a loud voice. I raced to counter and fetched the drink.

"Sorry for the delay. Here is your coffee." I said putting the coffee on the table.

"But I ordered a latte." The girl said. As I was going to apologize, a shout interrupted us.

"Can't you do a single job properly?!" It was none other than the owner of the coffee shop Ms. Helena.

"I-I'm sorry. I'll bring the latte right now." I said lowering my gaze as I was too scared to look into the devil's eyes.

"Why the heck we have employed brats like her?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She probably forgot that she was the one who hired me because she was impressed by my cooking skills.

"Stop shouting on the poor girl." A soft crackled voice interrupted us. I couldn't help but to smile at the person who saved me. 

"Mother, you should be resting." Ms. Helena protested. 

"How am I suppose to sleep when you are again bullying our employees? And I think it was someone else who took the wrong order." She said narrowing her gaze to the employee who asked me to serve the ice coffee.

Ms. Helena rolled her eyes and disappeared among the crowd.

"Thank you, Granny." I said smiling at the wrinkled faced woman.

She was probably in her 70s and the doctors have advised strict bed rest for the lady but she would always come around to protect the employees from her daughter's cruelty. She loved all the employees but I was her favorite. She would often say that I would remind her of her young days. She was also fond of nature and novels. After working hours I would often lend her few of my novels. We shared a special bond.

"Your shift is over for today!" Granny declared to which Ms.Helena came running towards her.

"Mother! There is still an hour to go!" She said glaring at our happy faces. Her mother rolled her eyes and faced her daughter.

"Why I always have to explain such stuffs to you? They are young teenagers. They must have dates in evening. Every girl and boy needs at least three hours to get ready....You all! Go and take rest for today! See you all next weekend!" She declared and went away. Ms.Helena surely disagreed but followed her mother's orders.

All my colleagues were thrilled. We packed our stuffs from the staff room and started to plan the evening. I was checking my phone when a message popped up. 

"Hey! I was free tonight. Let's watch a movie. I'll meet you at the park at 6:30. ~J

Is this a date? 

My heart fluttered at his invitation. I have to go home and select my outfit and make-up. I picked my bag and paced out of the staff room. 

"Mom! I'm home!" I said closing the door. I assumed my mother was at work. I saw Sarah sitting on the couch watching Moana. She was so engrossed that she didn't notice me. Thank God, she didn't noticed me else I'll be burdened with her questions!

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