"That'll be great 'mione." Harry said.

"Alright," Draco began, "We'll fix up the guest house, inform our parents and have a sleepover since it'll be the first night of Dan, Rupert, Matt, Evanna and Bonnie in the wizarding world too." he chuckled.

"Thanks mate."

"Thankyou Draco."

The platinum blonde boy smiled at them. "Come on." He said, standing up as he took Hermione with him by her hand.

"— I reckon it's nearly midnight and the ball should finish soon. Let's go back to the hall and enjoy for the rest of the night. Because truthfully, I think I'm being a lousy host."

They laughed with that and left the room.


"I'm going to dance with Lavender," Ron informed, "I think she's getting suspicious of me always wandering off tonight." he said sheepishly and left, leaving his friends chuckling at his state.

"Me too, I reckon Hannah's looking for me. I'll see you guys later." Neville said before he left.

"Same here," Alex said then left.

"And I better go to Rolf," Luna piped in, giving all of them a smile before leaving.

Phoebe sighed, "Alright now how about you lot go with your dates too." She scoffed making Draco laugh at her.

"I on the other hand will go to Mum and inform her about the sleepover," Ginny announced as Harry tugged her hand, "I'm coming with." he said, and with that, they left.

The platinum blonde whispered something at his girlfriend, and with a smile from the brunette and a kiss from Draco at her cheek, he walked towards his cousin, "Come on," he said, taking her arms, "Let's dance, and we've got a lot of talking to do." He taunted making Phoebe smirk at him.

"Alright." then the two left.

"Gotta tell you Hermione, but Draco here is really different from the books." Tom said making the brunette witch giggle.

"Yes I'd read some bits of Draco's parts in the books and have seen your movies. He really is an awful bully."

"You've seen the movies? Cool!" Emma gushed as Hermione giggled and nodded.

"They had let me and Draco have a Harry Potter movie marathon." she laughed as Dan, Matt, Rupert high fived while Evanna and Bonnie giggled.

Tom's lips twitched with that, "Well, have you seen the scene in the third movie where you punched Draco?"

Emma's eyes widened with that as her hand flew up towards her mouth while the other slapped Tom's arm, "What?" he asked, chuckling, as his eyes landed at the brunette next to him.

"You made me remember." She hissed, but couldn't contain her grin.

"What? The time when I suggested we should rehearsed it but you slapped me hard instead?" he remarked, as his brows raised in amusement.

Emma glared at him.

Tom grinned with that as Dan, Rupert and Matt snickered, "The gang told me about the slapping incident too Emma." Hermione began, stifling a laugh.

Emma blushed with that and Tom nudged her by the shoulders which made the brunette glare at him once more.

Tom pinched her cheeks as she swatted his hand away, only making his grin wider than before, "You're really cute when you get irritated by me." he said as he threw his arms around her shoulder, which made it look like he was back hugging her.

Tom nestled on the crook of her neck, "That's because it's been ages since you'd tease me immensely." She muttered, elbowing him from the back.

Tom let out a groan but laughed nevertheless as he abruptly gave Emma a kiss in the neck, and that made her frozen from her spot and sported pink tints on her cheeks.

Dan, Rupert, Evanna, Bonnie and Matt had exchanged a glance and a smirk. Whereas Hermione was eyeing at them with amusement.

"It's nice seeing them like this," Evanna whispered at her friends, "It's been a while." Bonnie replied, smiling.

"No — it's been ages." Rupert commented as Dan and Matt nodded in agreement.

"It's still hard though," Hermione said as she turned her back at Tom and Emma — who were talking at each other — and faced at her muggle friends, "Tom still has a girlfriend back in your time." she sighed.

Dan nodded with that, "True," he muttered, "but remember, this is not our time. It's 1998 — so it's still counted." He chuckled.

The rest laughed with that and Hermione let out a giggle, "You're right. I mean, they should enjoy the present and worry about the future later." she concluded as the five nodded.

"Which reminds me," Hermione carried on, "I'll better go to Lily and James to inform them about the sleepover we'll be having. Want to come with?"

Dan grinned with that, "Meeting James and Lily will be a dream come true," he laughed.

"We'll all come with." Bonnie replied as the others nodded.

"Alright then." Hermione said as they left.

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