II . Her story

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It's silent now, my father staring down at his wooden desk and then back at me, I can feel their eyes on me, even as I glance down to my palms, which are becoming slippery from my nervous sweat.

I'm anticipating my father's reaction, will he even believe me this time?

Last time he hadn't, and only when Link came to warn me of the future did he listen, with Impa vouching for us both.

If he denies it again, he's not only leaving our country to be consumed by Ganondorf's regime, which I have no doubt will be very bloody, along with his own certain death. Condemning all the citizens of Hyrule to a reign of terror. One that I am trying to warn him about! It's so frustrating!

While I want to continue my persuasion, I hold my tongue, knowing that it will only displease him more. Don't dawdle, don't beg. Be succinct in your words. Short and sweet was my manifesto as a child, drilled into my heads by tutors.

I begin to wonder if he's just going to tell me to go and leave him to his meeting with General Dohean, but to my utter surprise he doesn't.

"... I'll keep that in mind Zelda, General Dohean and I were just discussing the Gerud-"

He's cut off by an icy stare from Dohean, but I'm almost too surprised by my father to be annoyed about it. General Dohean always loves to keep the news of the outside world, especially the growing tension at the border with the Gerudos, from me.

"Your father and I have business to return to, Princess, so your nursemaid and yourself should find something else to do." He says in his gruff voice.

I nod, "Yes sir, but I just want to know you'll keep it in mind."

"You have nothing to worry about young Zelda... the Hylian army is the most prestigious in all the land, we were responsible for ending the Hyrulian Civil War under the King's command after all. This pesky border control business is nothing to concern yourself with, and there's a very good chance your dreams are not a premonition and just your folly imagination playing tricks on you."

We'll see about that when you're dead in the invasion, Mister. I snap at him inside my head, my annoyance like an itch.

I just decide to play the polite princess, so I can leave without repercussions.

"You might be right about that Sir Dohean, my nerves are certainly something to be considered as to the cause of my dreams. Thank you for giving me your time Father, you too General Dohean, goodbye and have a nice meeting."

Okay... my farewell might've been a tad bit sweet, on the verge of looming very fake, but I was already walking out the door to correct myself.

I hear Impa let out the small laugh she'd been holding in, "I can't believe you actually said that to Dohean... oh, the look on his face was priceless..."

I'd never seen Impa laugh before and that fact made me laugh too, although I soon composed myself.

"I can't believe he said that though..." I frown, "my father had listened to me before he said anything."

"I'm sure it will be okay, why don't we get you some breakfast?"



I see the lightning again, the world shaking with much more intensity than I remember the first time I had this dream.

The lightning slices through my vision, turning everything into shards, and the pain... it's excruciatingly real.

I see Ganondorf in the distance again, the laughter taking over all the other sound, making my ears buzz.

The fire is more putrid than ever, the smoke slamming into my lungs, erupting me into a coughing fit.

Written in BloodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt