Chapter 19

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                                                                                 (Rian's POV) 

   I'm sitting here playing my drums as Alex works on lyrics. We're back to creating music together. All Time Low is back from our not so long hiatus. "I love that we're back to making music." I state. 

  Alex grins. "Its nice to be making music with you guys again. I love Mark as a musician but it wasn't the same." He explains. 

  Jack smiles. "Good to know that you love making music with us." He says being a smartass. 

  Zack laughs. "Its good to be back to doing this." 

  I smile. "It is. We're all great musicians and it sounds amazing." I state. 

  "As always." Zack grins. 

  Alex pauses and puts his journal down. "Its great and I love making music with you guys." he states. 

  Jack looks at us. "As do I. We're getting ready to go to London for Download." He says. 

  I nod. "Yes that is our priority at the moment." I state. "This set has got to be amazing." I say. 

  "It will be because we all agreed on what songs we'll play. I'm not worried about Download because we've played it before." Jack explains. 

  I have a stinking suspension that Alex and Jack are hiding something from us. But I could be wrong. "Can we get back to the music?" I ask. 

  Alex nods. "yes we can get back to the music. After all, that is the important part." He picks his journal back up and we start working on the next song. Its a lot of work but at the same time its what we love. 

  "I love this." Zack says with a grin. 

  I nod. "I do too." I state. "Its great." I agree. 


                                                                       (Kellin's POV) 

  "I know." I tell my husband. Vic and I have gone through a lot but we've made it. We finally got married a few months ago. I'm about to be playing Warped Tour anniversary shows soon. I'm excited but at the same time those shows will be the end of something amazing. Sirens wouldn't be where we are without Kevin Lyman. 

  Vic smiles. "I'm proud of you and I'm ready to hear the album when it comes out." He states. 

  I grin. We've been working on this album for a little while and we're excited to put it out. "It will be our best album yet. Plus, we're going back to our roots." I state. 

  He smiles. "That will be awesome. All of your albums are amazing and this one will be too." He states. 

  I grin and hug him. "I know. I can feel it in my gut. Our fans are gonna love it." I state. "How'd the meeting with the band go yesterday?" I ask him. 

  "We made the best decision for the band possible. We made the right one." He explains. Vic had been struggling with that decision for months. I'm glad he feels slightly better about it. 

  "I'm glad you guys worked things out." I say kissing his neck. 

  He giggles slightly. "That tickles my neck. I hope that this album goes well." He states. 

  I nod. "yeah it will be an amazing album. Cause you helped write it." I state. 

  He turns around to face me. "I'm lucky to have someone who believes in me as much as you do." He says. 

  I kiss him softly on those amazing lips of his. I am completely in love with everything he is. As we kiss I know we're forever. "I love you, Mr. Quinn-Fuentes." I state. 

                                                                   (Alex's POV) 

    Working on music with my best friends is one of the things I love the most. But my brain is somewhere else. Jack asked me to marry him last night and I was too in shock to give him an answer. Of course, I wan to marry him. I just couldn't form the words last night to tell him yes. 

  After our band meeting which lasted most of the day, Jack and I head up to our bedroom. I look at him. "Don't say anything until I finish." I pause. "I love you with all my heart. My brain shut down when you asked me last night. I couldn't form the words to tell you m answer. The answer is..Yes, I'll marry you." I say. 

  He gets up to kiss me. "I love you." 

  "I love you too." I state. "You know putting the ring on my finger might help." I say, jokingly. 

  He pulls away to get the ring out of the drawer. He laughs. "Yeah it would." He puts the ring on my finger before kissing me deeply. He then smiles against my lips. "We're engaged." He states. 

  I kiss him again. "We are engaged." I say with a smile. It took us years to get here but its happened. I'm marrying the man of my dreams. I love Jack more than anything and I'm excited to become his husband. 

  He pulls me to the bed. "Shall we celebrate?" There's an evil gleam in his eye as he asks that. 

  I laugh. "yes we could but I thought you wanted me to get tested first?" I ask. 

  He hands me a condom. "That's what these are for." 

  I smirk and kiss him. "Well then, lets celebrate." Well the rest of the night went extremely amazing. The sex was incredible. I cuddle into him as we lay in bed. "I love you." I say. 

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