Chapter 6

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                                                                                   (Jack's POV)

  "I don't know. I mean I wouldn't mind if you come with me on tour but.." Dallon states. he has a tour coming up and I want to go with him. But from how he's talking to me, it doesn't sound like he wants me to go with him.

  "Why can't I go with you? I mean why don't you want me to come?" I ask, confused. The other day he was begging me to go but now.

 Dallon sighs. "Alex needs you to be here in this country." He states.

  I sigh. "Dallon he's not my boyfriend, you are. Yes, I'm his best friend but I should be with you. The band is on hiatus so I don't need to stay." I explain.

  He kisses me. "I know that. he may not be your boyfriend but that doesn't mean you're not in love with him."

 "What?! I don't have feelings for him, I have them for you." I state absolutely meaning it.

  Dallon pulls away from me. "You're lying to yourself. I do love you but I can't be with someone who doesn't feel the same way."

  I feel my heart stop for a slight second. Tears are forcing their way down my cheek. I begin shaking as I try to stay calm. "What are you saying? You're not.." I try to say more but the words don't come out.

  "I'm saying that we're over. I'm breaking up with you." He kisses me on the cheek before leaving my house.

  I sit there in absolute shock and confusion. He said he loves me and then breaks up with me. I curl up into a ball on the couch. I turn on the TV to try and distract me from my thoughts. It doesn't work, I start crying even harder. My whole body is shaking and I can't control it. I feel someone wrap their arms around me in a sideways hug. "I'm here for you. You'll be alright." Alex, of course it's Alex. He's always there for me when I need him. When I'm in pain, he's there.

  "Dallon broke up with me." I state as I cry my eyes out. It feels like an emotional avalanche just hit me. I'm not usually this much of a wreck but right now I'm a wreck.

  "I know you're hurting. Cry into my shoulder as much as you need to." Alex says as he tries to comfort me. "Just cry it out."

  I put my head on his shoulder and sob into his shirt. This isn't the first time he's seen me go through this. After all we've been friends thirteen years. I sob uncontrollably. "I thought this one would last."

  Alex plays with my hair to try and get me to relax. "Hush. Just cry okay? I know you did but it'll be alright." He says softly.

 I know he means well. I try to relax but I can't. I'm breathing too hard to. "I'm trying."

  He nods. "It's okay if you can't. Would it help if I sing to you?" All I do is nod as an answer. He starts singing. "Give me therapy. I'm a walking travesty. But I'm smiling at everything. Therapy, you were never a friend to me. And you can keep all your misery. My lungs gave out as I faced the crowd. I think that keeping this up could be dangerous. I'm flesh and bone, I'm a rolling stone. And the experts say I'm delirious."

  As he sings my body stops shaking and my breathing slows. His beautiful singing always calms me down. I've always loved his singing voice, it is wonderful and I love it. "Thank you." I say.

 He grins. "Feeling better?" he asks.

  I sniffle. "Not really but that helped. You know what else would help? A giant pint of Rocky Road ice cream." I say.

 He laughs. "If you're asking for ice cream you are feeling better." He states.

 I smack his arm. "Don't be an asshole."

 He grins. "I'm not being an ass." He says, removing his arms from around me.

  I move my head off his shoulder. "Would you go get me ice cream." I state. I feel a little bit like myself again. Alex always knows how to cheer me up.

  Alex smiles. "How about I send Zack and Rian to get the ice cream and I'll stay here and cheer you up." He suggests.

 I grin. "That sounds fine by me. But I'm playing the self-pity card for the movies we watch."

 He relaxes. "Fine. You're the one going through the breakup. Its your decision."

 "I know. It's better than wallowing in bed all day in my own sorrow.' I explain.

  He nods. "That's true. I want you to feel better. And as your best friend it's my job to cheer you up."

 I laugh. "And you're doing a bad job of it."

 He smirks. "I got you to laugh and to finally relax."

 "I know that." I say, looking through Netflix to choose a movie for us to watch.

  Zack and Rian join us in the living room. Rian rolls his eyes. "Of course you two are goofing off." He says.

  Alex nods. "Duh. Can I ask you guys a favor? Jack wants ice cream to eat his sorrows away."

  Zack smiles. "Sure. We'll be back then. Stay out of trouble!" Zack and Rian leave to go get us the stuff. I don't want them feeling bad for me. They're my best friends, no scratch that, they're my brothers. I love them so much.

  Zack and Rian come back with the food about an hour later. Alex and I are in the middle of watching the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. We eat while watching movies. Its wonderful to be surrounded by love from the closest people in my life. They're so supportive and they let me wallow but at the same time they try to cheek me up. But of course, I got no sleep at all last night.

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