Chapter 7

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                                                                                   (Alex's POV)

  I walk into the living room and see Jack sulking on the couch. Dallon breaking up with him is still super hard on my best friend but its only been a day. "I know it hurts." I state.

  He rolls his eyes at me. "Duh. Of course, it hurts. It feels like my heart has been stomped on." He explains, leaning into my shoulder.

  I hug him close to me to comfort him. "Relax. Can I ask why he broke up with you? You're amazing and Dallon doesn't deserve you." I state. I always try to be honest with him. He is my best friend and I ahte seeing him hurt.

  He laughs. "He broke up with me because he thinks I'm in love with someone else but I'm not." He explains.

 "You don't sound convinced." I say. I know that he's scared and he's hurt.

  "I'm convinced that I'm not. I loved Dallon but he never knew it cause I never told him. I was scared too. That he would break my heart and he did just that." he says, crying into my shoulder.

  I hug him tighter. "Its okay. You can cry as much as you need to. I'm here for you no matter what." I state. "You're amazing. I hate seeing you like this."

 He sighs. "Thank you but that's not cheering me up." He states.

  "I'm trying to help but I am not doing that good of a job." I say flipping through Netflix to find a good movie.

 Rian joins us along with Zack. Rian grins. "He's trying so hard to cheer you up, Jack."

  Jack nods. "he is and doing a bad job of it. But at least he's trying. I would like to do band practice but we're on a break."

  Zack nods. "We could do it for fun. I mean when we first formed as a band it was to have fun and make music."

 I grin. "Zack's right. Let's do a band practice for fun." I state.

   We all gather our instruments and start playing. As we do I see Jack's face light up. This is helping. Music is a powerful thing that way. We play a few songs before putting our instruments away. Jack smiles and jumps on my back. "That was awesome. It also changed my mood. I feel like myself again."

  I try to shove him off me but I fail. "Music really does impact people. You're smiling. I'm glad to have my wonderful best friend back."

 He laughs. "I am back to my asshole self." He states, tackling me to the ground.

  I giggle. "You are being an asshole but that's fine." I state as I notice the time. "Shit get off me. I have to go." I struggle against him.

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