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I've been on this fucking island for months! I'm so hungry, Ringo and I ate Paul two weeks ago . We couldn't help it we were just so hungry

We had to cut off part of him because I couldn't take the guilt. We left his body in a bush somewhere. I was the only one with a knife. I could easily take Ringo down and do that same thing to him.

No! John! You can't do that! Ringo's your last friend. George died in the plane crash!

"Hey Ringo!" I called out with the knife in my hand.

"What John?" He says peering out of the bushes.

"Can you come here?"

He came a little closer and then soon realized that I had a knife. He started to run away and I chased him down.

I chased him around for 10 minutes before I lined him to the ground. I was about to murder him but then Gordon Ramsay landed on his helicopter.

"Get off the poor Ringo!" He yelled as he held a gun at me.

I backed off Ringo and w shot in his helicopter. It was an awkward fly back to Liverpool. Ringo was eyeing me down, he'd probably never forgive me.

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