Chapter 6

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"What are you doing here" I growled through clenched teeth. "Look Lexa, since the incident, I've decided to change and become a better person. I've hated myself for the way I behaved, the things I've said and done. But I couldn't completely forgive myself if I didn't at least try to apologize to you. So these are my most sincere apologies" Finn bowed his head.

No one in the room dared to say anything until I spoke. "I forgive you Finn. But that doesn't mean it will be easy to forget" I finally said. I got some disapproval looks mostly coming from Echo, Raven and Bellamy. But I made my decision. Everyone deserves a second chance.

"Do you think there's a chance we'll ever be able to be friends?" He sheepishly asked. "Maybe" I shrugged. "I think we will have to now that I'm dating your best friend again" he smiled.

I don't know what hurted me the most. The fact that he called Clarke my best friend. Or the fact that they were together again. Or the fact that Clarke went straight back to him the day after I confessed my feelings. I could see that Finn didn't say it to be mean. He didn't even seem to notice that he said something wrong. I couldn't blame him for it.

"Yeah" I whispered offering him my best smile. "Thank you" Finn sincerely said. Maybe he really was trying to change. Only by looking at him you could see that he already accomplished a lot.

"Thank you Lexa" another voice echoed. Well shit. No more time to build an armor. No more space between us considering she was right in front of me. "No problem" I coldly said.

By talking with Finn, I confirmed to myself that he really was someone new. I forced Raven and Echo to talk to him. They seemed to be less hostile with him but still bitter.

I recovered pretty quickly. The bullet only left me a little scar and I actually thought it gave me a badass look. I wasn't the only one thinking that. Even more girls were attracted to me and I couldn't complain. The Clarke situation seemed to have frustrated me sexually.

*Clarke's pov*

***Family Reunion***
Princess: Well it's my turn so you know the drill
Rae: Absolutely in
Octopus: you can always count on me
Green bean: our flight just landed. Me and Jasper will be happy to be there
Collins: I will be there
Echoke: can't come. Work obligation
Momori: same thing here
Harpist: 3/3. Cant make it either
Rae: boooo. I'll be there so it's not a big loss
Woody: And after that, you're wondering why we victimize you
President: totally agree with my cousin. I'm in by the way
Octopus: yayyy
Blake: I will be there
Cockroach: In this case, I'll show up too
Rae: Gross... anyway, Anya and Luna are you two coming
Momori: oooh the love triangle I see
Seaboat: fine I'm coming
Jaaasper: that's what she said
Echoke: omg Jasper I love you
Woody: I'm gonna make it just to kick Jasper's ass
Blake: don't want to miss it
Rae: wait a minute

*RavenReyes changed BBlakes and AnyaWoods nickname*

Princess: oh no. What stupidity did she put
Taco Bell: ...
Bananya: ...
Green bean: well found
Collins: is Lexa going too?
President: good question
Harpist: she hasn't answered her phone all day long
Momori: all week long***
Octopus: we should make sure she's alive
Princess: I'm going.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and drove to her apartment. What the fuck was Lexa doing seriously?

I knocked on her door five times to be exact. Two more times. Three more. Four more. One mor-
"For fuck's sake stop knocking on the stupid door" she swung it open. "What are you doing here" she asked. "Why aren't you answering your phone. We started to think you were dead. Answer it next time" I stepped in. "You don't exactly have the privilege to give me orders Clarke" she growled.

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