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Rolling his wheelchair down the front steps handicapped ramp just reminds Tate what he would never have again, functioning legs. He gave up that hope years ago when he was hit by the bus he was supposed to be on to leave this dreary town.

Ida was following close behind with her frivolous pink feathered hat and white gloves as if she were a princess.

"How far is this place? We only need to drop off the plans and then we can go to lunch, right? Let's go to the delicatessen on Maple Drive. They have the best sauerkraut. Why did you have to pick this misty day? Couldn't we have delivered the plans to the lawyer tomorrow? I was supposed to get my nai-" Ida was cut off by Tate slamming the car door in her face.

A low grumble of irritated pleasure escaped him. He didn't hate his little sister, he just disliked her 98% of the time. She got on his nerves and whines about everything. He had to bribe her to take him to the lawyers office to drop off paperwork.

Tate has left his wheelchair outside the door for Ida's son Bart to put in the back of the van. Bart was the polar opposite of that woman. She was petite like Tate while Bart was a horrendous monster the size of a small ox. He was mute and that was one of his many positive traits.

They finally made it to the lawyers office 30 minutes away; however, a small piece of Tate's sanity was stolen by one of Ida's beratings she gave him on the ride there. By the time Tate and Bart got out, Ida has explained why she own the building and Tate shouldn't have to be responsible for the place, yet again.

Ida was fueled by greed and Tate knew it. He enjoyed watching her slime her way through life. She had love and kindness in her, by it was rare. Tate couldn't bring himself to hate her though, he just saw her as a snake that needed to be watched out for.

After the meeting with his lawyer, Bart returned the two elderly vsu kings to Tate's home. They passed a frantic looking young woman who was literally pulling her own hair out. She was very thin to be point that a strong wind could have blown her over.

This was just more fuel for Ida to explain why Tate needed to leave the building in her care. His tenants weren't good enough and crazy. Apparently, Tate didn't know how to sift through the applicants and weed out the undesirables. That girl was one of them according to Ida. Tate enjoyed watching her though, he enjoyed watching her life fall apart and her handling of said issues. Tate actually felt a little twinge in his gut at the excitement he had at watching his tenants.

Ida has no idea what Tate did daily at home, just that he was always there an unwilling to part with three building. It frustrates Ida to no end that Tate invested in real estate with the money their parents left them while Ida used it on vacations and cars. She bought a bit of jewelry, but had since pawned it off so she didn't have to work.

Greed, greed was Ida's main issue. She wanted material things. Even her own son knew what she was like. There was a reason he never really spoke. Tate didn't have the care to help Bart out when he was younger mostly because he was scared shirtless of the boy. He had been massive since he was born and ridiculed for it since. Bart kept to himself most of the time, but would always do what his mother asked just to try to get some form of approval. It had not been an easy childhood, but he had made it.

Watching Bart grow up and how he was treated by is family had been the start of Tate's love for voyeurism. Bart has a history of mental incompetence which may have stemmed from the repeated drops on his head as a child. He was never going to win a Nobel Prize, but with his mother's controlling needs and her greed to get whatever she wanted, Bart had no chance. She had turned him into the perfect servant and he didn't even realize he was being manipulated. The faces Bart made when his mother scolded him for the smallest of things like a stray hair would make Tate's heart soar. The way Bart just took everything She dishes out without so much as a word, but with the most telling of facial expressions was the drama Tate was searching for.

Tate shut the door of his condo on the two people and went to his guest room which was now a surveillance room to watch how Ida treated Bart and how he would respond. She wouldn't be happy about being ignored by Tate. This was going to be interesting.

20 minutes later Ida and a red faces Bart walked out of his condo foyer on the first floor. No one else seemed to be home during that time to witness or interact with the pair, but he knew none of his tenants would anyway. Watching an old woman slap a grown man repeatedly was not something many people would stop. The people living here were not the cream of the crop and would definitely go out of their way to avoid the bickering.

After they had left the premises, Tate made a quick lunch and wheeled himself back to the room filled with screens. He had cameras showing showers, bedrooms, kitchens, dens, and even closets for every apartment.

Tate's family had never been close and he had been a social outcast his entire life. This was he most controlled way of getting what he wanted in life, interaction with others. Tate waited for Tiffy, the coked our model they passed earlier, to return. She was one of his favorites. It wasn't pride and lust that made him excited about her, it was the way she thought her beauty would get her everything in life. She was so vain that when he boyfriend left her for another woman, she knew it had to be because he was insecure with her beauty and couldn't handle it. She had mentioned it to Tate at her interview for the apartment. When he actually took in her appearance, he knew she had to be a tenant.

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