In a last desperate attempt, Lauren twisted around behind the familiar old shed, diving in through the window. She landed painfully on the mattress, her breath getting knocked out of her as she wheezed. For a few breath holding seconds she thought she had lost them, but her heart leapt into her throat as Drew's face appeared in the window, smirking deviously once he spotted her.

"Hey guys I found her!" he called, and Lauren felt ice run through her veins as Drew began clambering through the window, into her one and only safe haven.

"No, please stop!" she whimpered out, backing away from the advancing figures.

"Thought you could escape from me you gay little faggot," he sneered, grabbing her by the hair and slamming her head into the wall.


Camila drifted aimlessly through the rafters on her back, humming a random tune to herself as she let her mind wander to anything and everything. Lauren appeared amongst her thoughts every so often, and a smile ghosted her lips whenever this happened, memories of the sweet but shy brunette always putting her in a giddy mood. Her thoughts were broken as she heard a thud and some heavy breathing, and Camila peered down to see the girl she had been thinking about sprawled unceremoniously on the mattress. She smiled, happy to see Lauren, and she was about to float down to greet her when she heard someone's malicious voice holler from outside.

"Hey guys I found her!"

She watched as Lauren's face contorted in fear and dread. "No, please stop!" she cried out, scrambling backwards as a bunch of sleazy guys began slowly fumbling into the window.

Camila's expression went from confusion to astonishment, then to a complete look of horror as she watched the first guy hiss a derogatory statement before grabbing Lauren by her hair and smashing her face into the wall. The rest of the boys jeered and laughed, watching on in sickening enjoyment as Dree threw the crying brunette to the ground.

"Stop! Please," Lauren whimpered, but Drew ignored her, driving his shoe into her stomach and making her wheeze and groan.

"Quit your crying, you dumb dyke," he hissed, kicking her again.

"Help! Ca-Camila!" Lauren cried out, breathless from another rather hard kick to the stomach.

Hearing her name leave the tortured girl's lips, Camila felt her shock and disgust boil into rage, and the ghost swallowed the lump in her throat and forced herself to move.

"Who's Camila? Your lesbian lover?" Drew sneered, earning snickers from his goons. The gang of boys continued to laugh and cheer Drew on as he kicked Lauren, who had curled up into fetal position in a feeble attempt to protect herself. However, the tormentors paused their actions as a loud disembodied boom rumbled the shed, startling them.

"The fuck was that?" Drew asked, looking around warily. After a few silent seconds, the gang's attention shifted as they noticed a small green ball on the floor, emerging from the shadows and slowly rolling towards them. They watched the object in confusion and suspicion as it rolled closer and closer, coming to a stop as it gently hit Lauren's shoe.

"Where did that come from?" one guy asked nervously, staring at the ball with cautious eyes.

A stiff silence engulfed the shed as the crew glanced around warily, and Lauren held her breath so not to set them off again, trying to slowly crawl away as her body basked in the temporary sweet relief from Drew's strikes.

"Whatever guys, don't be such babies," Drew said uneasily, his voice cutting through the silence. Glancing back down at his moving victim, he grabbed the back of her shirt, slamming her back into the ground before he gave another kick to her unguarded ribs. "Is this your doing, you freak?"

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