So I had this idea

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C= Cream (me)
T= Tigris (my fren)
E= Eve aka Fliff

The squad


T- I don't like donuts with holes in them.

C- Just eat the donut and put the hole aside.

E- *walking by* What the fuck


C- I have a plan!

E- Don't worry, the hospital's on speed dial


E- Graveyards are so creepy!

T- I kno- ow! *knocks g off graveyard sign*

C- *rises from the dead and starts raving*

T- It's a raveyard


T- So the other day Cream sent me a "get better soon" card

E- Oh that's nice!

T- I wasn't sick, she just thought I could do better.


E- Let me see what you have.

C- A knife!

E- NO!

T- Oh my god why does she have a-


T- I'm really into dark humor.

C, turning off the lights- Hey wanna hear a joke?


C- So, Tigris asked me if I stole his pencil

C- And I said no.

C- y'know, like a liar


C- I've only known Tigris for 4 years now

C- But if anything happens to him I'll kill everyone here and then myself.


E- Why are you making pudding at three in the morning?

C- I have lost control of my life


T- Haha guys look my phone's on 69%!

C- I hope your phone dies with you.


E- Tigris, wake up, we need to get going!

T- I don't wanna!

E- The early bird gets the worm! Wait...

C- That's racist


T- *exists*

C- If it were not for the laws of this land I would have slaughtered you


Looks like a cinnamon roll and is one- Tigris irl

Looks like a cinnamon roll but will kill you- Cream

Looks like they'll kill you but is a cinnamon roll- Tigris (not irl)

Looks like they'll kill you and will kill you- Sats (Mk II basically)

Precious cinnamon roll, too pure for this world- Tempo lol

Will kill you by feeding you too many cinnamon rolls- Eve I guess???? Kinda???

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