The Creation of a Lifetime- Part 1

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Zed sat in his pyramid base, waiting for the new Author to arrive. Before they came, all the hermits were in an untouched version of the Hermitcraft six server, left to talk to each other. It was a sad existence and the Author would usually wipe their memories of it, so he had heard.

"Is anyone in here?" A very unfamiliar voice spoke from the doorway.

"Yes. Who are you?"

A seemingly female form stepped into Zed's base. She had a golden hoodie with catlike ears attached to it, and a ponytail coming out of the back of it somehow. Her hoodie sleeves extended past her hands and had red hems.

"Your new Author." She came closer and held her hand out to shake his. He shook her hand, but she didn't let go. She looked him dead in the face, her once diamond coloured eyes now bright red.

"Have some new feelings." She had a sly look on her face. Zed blacked out.

~-~-~ This next bit takes place after Protect You. They were asleep the whole time.~-~-~

Impulse woke up in a well lit room, remembering the new Author shaking his hand and her eyes turning red.

"Impulse?" Tango was in the room with him. "Where are we?" 

"How am I supposed to know? I just woke up."

"I honestly don't know where you are. Goldie just sent me here to get you two to kiss." A new voice spoke from behind them. She was sipping tea from a cat teacup, paying more attention to her tea then to them.

"I- MMPH!" Impulse was cut off by a soft feeling on his lips. Tango had kissed him.


Tango found himself in another room, similar to the first, but instead Zedaph was in this room. Bolth of his crushes back to back. Yay. 

"Hey Zed watch this." A new person was showing Zed something on a screen. Zed's face went instantly from curious to tearing up.

"Hey, what did he show you?" Tango asked as Zed ran for the door, now crying.

"Oh... N-nothing..."

"I showed him the clip of you kissing Impulse. Goldie told me to."

"Wait! I-" Tango couldn't finish. Zed was already out of the door.


Zed had been out only for a minute, when he came across False, who was in the same condition as he was.

"What's wrong?" Zed tried his best to comfort her.

"HE'S NOT COMING BACK! HE'S GONE!" False started crying more.

"False! Come back!" Stress and Ren came running, worried looks on their faces.


"Zed, why are you crying?" Stress turned her attention to Zed as Ren chased False.

"Oh... It's nothing..." Zed tried unsuccessfuly to dry his tears.

"Clearly it's not. What's wrong?" Stress saw straight through that.

"I-" Zed suddenly 'remembered' telling Stress he had a crush on Tango.

"Tango kissed Impulse. What's up with False?" Zed started crying more.

"Well, since you apparently don't know, False started dating Xisuma... And..."

"What did he do?!" Zed was a tad angry.

"HE DIED! THEY KILLED HIM!" False suddenly appeared behind him.

"Who killed him?!" Zed was now even angrier.

"...It's their fault... IT'S THEIR FAULT!" This was the worst time for Grian to pass by.

~-~-~ A day after Grian was slaughtered ~-~-~

"WHAT'S UP GAMERS? Yes that's a refrence to another Author! Oh, everyone is dying? Give me a list of the dead ones."





"I'm not reviving all those people. Here's some coords to a respawn token."

*Insert coords here*

Let the game begin.

~-~-~ Player 1 ~-~-~

Iskall made his way through the forest. He had to revive Stress, and avenge her death. After all, She would have been his future girlfriend.

~-~-~ Player 2 ~-~-~

Mumbo was afraid. False was going to kill him the second she saw him, just as she murdered Grian. He was trying to revive him, but he didn't think he'd win.

~-~-~ Player 3 ~-~-~

Zedaph had a burning passion within him. A rampaging False had shot Tango with a bow shortly after she killed Stress. He had a feeling she wouldn't stop there.

~-~-~ Player 4 ~-~-~

False was no longer okay. She had felt nothing but sadness since X died, not even remorse for all her victims. She was a monster at this point. And she wasn't going to change.


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