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"Madame Sats, your subjects are ready."

"Not now Connal."

"Miss Muffin, the free roamers are getting out of hand."

"Not now Luna. You have a job to do."


"And don't call me Mrs. Muffin, it's either Sats or Muff and you know that."


"Stop. Everyone just, siddown for a second. Y'all are annoying. Stop it."


"Jazz, did you get the subjects Boss wanted ready?"

"Ah, Esma, yes, and could you get me #45? I need to run some tests."



Jazz hooked up the capsule to it's spot in the wall, ready to run some tests. The subject in the capsule had mostly grey hair and a beard, and was wearing a lab coat. This one had only been used once successfully. 

"Orson, can you give it some juice?"

"Sure boss."

Orson pressed a button and a shock traveled through the body, making it's face scrunch up in pain.

"Test successful."



"Your Highness, I have the subjects you needed." Esma bowed.


"Your highness" worked on her stories for the rest of the day.

"Connal, take these back."

"Yes Empress Sats."

"Can you also get Tigris?"

"Right away your Highness."


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