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Set in the near future.


"Someone notify her. This is serious."

"What if she gets mad at us?"

"She'll be busy fussing over him."



"He's catatonic, completely unresponsive, he can't even move."

"It's that kid's fault! She ran away again!"

"It's not her fault you don't love her."


You're terrible. That's all you are, you're a terrible father. You let her get away three times. This time she's bound to get hurt.

"Cupcake, nothing is your fault. It's going to be okay."

No response.

"Come on. Talk to me! It's me!"

No response.

"Please. Just say something!"

No response.

She collapsed to the floor where he was and wrapped her arms around him.

She cried for him, his daughter, her daughter. 

She cried like when he died the first time.

She cried like when her own mother didn't love her.

She cried.


Hermitcraft short storiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz