"I don't know what to wear!" She cried out, making Kaylee roll her eyes and laugh.

"You jerk, you scared me! I thought something was really wrong!" She lightly smacked her arm.

"This is serious! I need to look nice, there are going to be so many cute guys there!" She whined. Kaylee sighed as she led her into the house.

"Trust me, they don't care how you dress." Kaylee told Ashley, but she didn't care.

"I'm going to shower, and then will you help me with my hair?" Kaylee nodded, and she left her alone in her room. She saw a bottle of nail polish on her desk, so she picked it up and applied two coats to her nails while she waited on Ashley. When she finished, her nails were a very sparkly silver color.

Ashley came out with her body wrapped up in one towel and then another towel wrapped around her hair. "I have to blow dry my hair and then can you curl it?" She asked Kaylee, sitting on the edge of her bed and picking up her hair dryer.

Once her hair was dry, she put on a cute black shirt and Kaylee grabbed her curling wand and began curling it. "I hope your friends like me." She said quietly.

"Ash, of course they'll like you! You're funny, smart, and you're cute as hell." Kaylee said, nudging her and making her grin. When she finished with her hair, it was beautifully curled down to her waist. Kaylee sprayed a little bit of hair spray on it so it would stay in place, grinning at the completed hairdo.

"Ta da!" Kaylee exclaimed, pushing Ashley towards her mirror.

"I love it! I love having my hair curled." She said, bouncing the small curls in her hand. "Do you want me to do your hair?" She asked, but Kaylee shook her head. Her hair was starting to fall out more and more, and she was scared that chunks of it would come out in Ashley's hand. She knew about her illness, and Kaylee knew that she wouldn't judge her, but it would be embarrassing.

After Ashley finished getting all dolled up, the two left her house for the beach. "What do you normally do at the bonfires?"

"We mainly eat, and the guys will play football sometimes, and then the elders tell the legends. The legends are my favorite part." Kaylee grinned, remembering the stories about imprinting and the Third Wife. However, thinking about imprinting made her really start to miss Jacob, and she began to feel anxious.

She pulled into the parking lot and was ready to sprint down to the beach, but she didn't want to leave Ashley behind. She got out of the car looking very nervous. She could see everyone down on the sand, and Kaylee had to admit, that many shirtless guys would make anyone nervous.

"C'mon, I can't wait until you get to meet everyone. They're all so great!" Kaylee squealed, happy to have Ashley here with her other friends. "Jacob!" She squealed, seeing her man throwing the football around. He was wearing a pair of denim cut off shorts and no shoes, and of course, no shirt. His muscles rippled with every movement, and Kaylee was practically drooling when he spotted her and grinned widely.

He ran over to her and picked her up off the ground and swung her around like she weighed nothing. "Hey baby girl! I've missed you."

"I've missed you so much. Now, put me down. I want to introduce you to someone very special to me. Jacob, this is Ashley Clarke. Ash, this is Jacob Black." He gave her a big grin, and Kaylee could see the blush start to creep up her neck due to the attention being placed on her.

"It's nice to meet ya, Ash. Kay has told me all about you. I hope you have a good time tonight, if you need anything just let me know." Jacob said, and Ashley just kind of stared at him, looking lost.

"She'll be just fine, she just needs to get used to everyone." Kaylee patted her on the back gently, and she seemed to snap out of her daze.

"Why aren't they wearing shirts?" She whispered, eyeing their built bodies.

"They never do. But I don't complain." Kaylee said, poking Jacob's muscular stomach, making him chuckle in response. "Let's go introduce you to everyone else!" Kaylee cheered, skipping off to her friends. "Okay, this is Emily, her man Sam, Kim, her man Jared, Seth, Leah, Quil, Paul, and Embry." Kaylee said, pointing at each person.

Her eyes were locked on Embry's, and he was staring at her like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. Her face was flushed, and Embry seemed to be breathing hard. The guys exchanged similar smirks, and Kaylee felt her jaw drop.

Her best friend, Embry Call, just imprinted on her other best friend, Ashley Clarke.

A/N: Once again, thank you for being so patient! I've been getting a ton of notifications about this story being added to reading lists and favorited, and I truly appreciate it! It means the world to me when I know that people are enjoying this story! Drop a comment or two and let me know what you think :) 

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