Chapter 12, Waking Pain.

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I opened my eyes slightly to be staring at a random ceiling, I looked to my side quickly to see Hoodie was sitting on a chair, he was leaning against his fist and maybe looked a little bored, my back was aching along with my head, I groaned slightly and Hoodie looked over at me.

"Oh, you're awake." He said as he sat up, "Are you okay?"

I was just quiet as I looked around slightly.

"My head hurts..." I muttered.

"Do you want more painkillers?" He asked.

"Yeah." I muttered, "Please..."

He got up and started heading over to a counter, I just stayed put and slowly closed my eyes, I opened them again when I felt a gentle hand on my forehead.

"Do you need help sitting up?" He asked.

I nodded and he tried to gently sit me up, he sat up the pillows and leaned me against them, I let out a sigh once I was in a resting spot again, he held out his hand and I took the painkillers, he handed me a cup of water and I just took them, it was a little difficult but I managed, once I was done I looked at Hoodie.

"What were you doing?" He asked, "You can't be running off like that."

"I'm sorry..." I said as I lowered my head, "I just wanted some time alone, I know I've made a mistake."

I silently stared at my hands as Hoodie sighed.

"You scared the shit out of all of us." He said, "Especially when Slender said you were in danger."

"Is it normal to hurt Zalgo?" I asked.

He went silent.

"He bleeds black..." I said quietly.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"I dug my nails into his arm and ripped skin off." I said, "Can any of you do that?"

He slowly shook his head.

"Is that why I'm so different?" I asked, "Because I can physically harm him?"

"Maybe..." He mumbled.

I sighed as I slumbed back.

"I really do feel bad about that..." I said quietly, "But not even Zalgo realized it was me, so that's good, right?"

"Yes, that is good." He said, "Otherwise he would have killed you."

"I know..." I said quietly.

I looked around a bit.

"Where's Masky?" I asked.

"I'm not sure." He replied, "He wasn't as hurt as you, so he's still in working order."

"Oh..." I said quietly, "Now what?"

"Well, you can't get up." He said, "You're on bed rest."

I sighed as I slid down the pillows slightly, I then looked back up at him.

"Is everyone mad at me...?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah." He said, "They're mostly mad that you lied."

I didn't say anything as I lowered my head.

"The reason everyone was looking for you so desperately was because we saw a creepypasta that wasn't good." Hoodie continued, "We wanted to make sure you weren't found, but not even we could find you."

He looked away from me slightly.

"He's getting a little too close for comfort." He mumbled.

"I don't think any distance is comfortable for him." I said, "He kinda smells bad."

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